Interface | Description |
Configurer |
Callback to configure the connection more deeply.
Configurer.ConfigurerConfiguration |
Represents the potential
ConfigurerOption parameters of the invocation. |
Configurer.Connection |
Represents actions doable on a connection.
Decoder |
Allows to read in a custom manner a response payload.
Encoder |
Allows to convert an object to a byte array to be sent accross the network.
HttpClient |
You can cast an injected client with this type to initialize the base.
HttpClientFactory |
The service you can use to create http clients.
Response<T> |
Represents a Http response and can be used as returned type of a
Request method. |
Enum | Description |
QueryFormat |
How to serialize the query parameter when there are more then one value.
Exception | Description |
HttpException |
HttpException that wrap an http
Response with a status code and an error payload |
Annotation Type | Description |
Codec |
Defines which implementation payloads (input/output) are serialized with.
ConfigurerOption |
Marks a parameter as a configurer option.
ContentType | |
Header |
Marks a parameter as a header value.
Headers |
Mark parameter as the http request headers
HttpMethod |
Mark parameter as the http method.
Path |
Marks a parameter as a path template.
Query |
Marks a parameter as a query parameter.
QueryParams |
Mark the parameter as the http request query parameters
Request |
Marks the method as a request method.
Url |
Mark parameter as the URL of the http request
If this annotation is used it override the @
Request.path() and the HttpClient.base(String) |
UseConfigurer |
Request to use a custom configurer for the connection.
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