All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description Action ActionRef ActionType ActiveIf ActiveIf.EvaluationStrategy ActiveIf.EvaluationStrategyOption Allows to pass custom options to the evaluation strategy.ActiveIfs ActiveIfs.Operator AfterGroup Called before an element group (bundle in beam semantic).AfterVariables Use to groupAfterVariables.AfterVariable
annotations.AfterVariables.AfterVariable Declare after variable for the component.AfterVariables.AfterVariableContainer Mark method that returns container with after variables.Assessor Decorates a method in aPartitionMapper
returning a long and estimating the size of the whole dataset.AsyncValidation AutoLayout Base Make the 'string' parameter as base of the endpoint.BaseService Classe base for services to be declared Serializable and use Component Manager serialization system.BeforeGroup Called before an element group (bundle in beam semantic).BufferizedProducerSupport<T> BuiltInSuggestable BuiltInSuggestable.Name Cached Can mark a method (or all methods) of a service as being cached in theLocalCache
.Checkable CloseConnection CloseConnectionObject Code Codec Defines which implementation payloads (input/output) are serialized with.ComponentException ComponentException.ErrorOrigin Components Enable to configure the component by module (package).Condition Configuration Mark a configuration field method parameter as being instantiated from theLocalConfiguration
.ConfigurationType Configurer Callback to configure the connection more deeply.Configurer.ConfigurerConfiguration Represents the potentialConfigurerOption
parameters of the invocation.Configurer.Connection Represents actions doable on a connection.ConfigurerOption Marks a parameter as a configurer option.Connection ContentType CreateConnection Credential DataSet DatasetDiscovery DatasetDiscoveryConfiguration DataStore DateTime Decoder Allows to read in a custom manner a response payload.DefaultValue DiscoverDataset Mark a method as returning theDiscoverDatasetResult
of a datastore.DiscoverDatasetResult DiscoverDatasetResult.DatasetDescription DiscoverSchema Mark a method as retruning theSchema
of a dataset.Documentation DriverRunner Mark a class as a DriverRunner which means instance of this class will be run only on the driver node.DynamicValues ElementListener Mark a method as returning an input connector.Emitter Mark a class as returning an input connector.Encoder Allows to convert an object to a byte array to be sent accross the network.GridLayout GridLayout.FormType GridLayout.Row Defines a UI row (list of widgets).GridLayouts Just a java 8 wrapper to support multipleGridLayout
on the same model.Header Marks a parameter as a header value.Headers Mark parameter as the http request headersHealthCheck Mark a method as retruning theHealthCheckStatus
of a datastore.HealthCheckStatus HealthCheckStatus.Status HorizontalLayout HttpClient You can cast an injected client with this type to initialize the base.HttpClientFactory The service you can use to create http clients.HttpException HttpException that wrap an httpResponse
with a status code and an error payloadHttpMethod Mark parameter as the http method.Icon Icon.IconType Icons from Allows to inject in an unmanaged instance services.Input InterceptorHandler The hook used to implement an interceptor.Intercepts Marks an annotation as being an interceptor marker.Internal Marks a feature as internal.Internationalized Language LocalCache Framework service injectable in components or services methods to handle local caching.LocalCache.Element Use to enrich object with meta-data (help to choice if attached object has to be removed from cache)LocalConfiguration Provide an abstraction to read the local - environment - configuration.Max Metadatas Metadatas.Metadata MigrationHandler Migrate a tcomp data instance from one version to another one.Min OAuth1 OAuth1.Configuration OAuth1.Configurer OAuth1.OAuth1Provider This is the SPI to load the implementation, WARNING: this is an internal API.ObjectFactory Allows to create an instance from a classname and a set of properties.ObjectFactory.ObjectFactoryInstance Option OptionsOrder Output OutputEmitter<T> Partial Marks a feature as not fully supported.PartitionMapper PartitionSize Decorates aNumber
parameter ofAssessor
method in aPartitionMapper
which will hold the number of desired partitions for infinite connectors and the estimated size of each parition for not infinite connectors.Path Marks a parameter as a path template.Pattern Processor Mark a class as returning an processor connector.Producer Mark a method as called to retrieve next element of the input.ProducerFinder This service aims to retrieve a record iterator based on a configured dataset of a connector.Proposable Query Marks a parameter as a query parameter.QueryFormat How to serialize the query parameter when there are more then one value.QueryParams Mark the parameter as the http request query parametersRecord Record.Builder Allows to create a record with a fluent API.RecordBuilderFactory Entry point to create records (through builders).RecordPointer Represents a extraction logic from a path (jsonpointer) for records.RecordPointerFactory Adapted representation of jsonpointer specification for record modelling.RecordService Helping class to build records.RecordVisitor<T> Visitor enabling to browse a record.Request Marks the method as a request method.Required Resolver Resolver.ClassLoaderDescriptor Abstract a classloader adding the metadata about the resolution done to create it.Response<T> Represents a Http response and can be used as returned type of aRequest
method.RunAtDriver Mark a method as running at driver node only.Schema Schema Deprecated. Schema.Builder Allows to build a schema.Schema.EntriesOrder Schema.Entry Schema.Entry.Builder Plain builder matchingSchema.Entry
structure.Schema.Type Serial Service Mark a class as a service that can be injected into another service or a component via it constructor.Split Compute the distibution plan based on input parameters.Structure Structure.Type Suggestable Suggestions SuggestionValues SuggestionValues.Item TextArea Type Ui Uniques Updatable Update Mark a method as returning a new instance of part of the form/configuration.Url Mark parameter as the URL of the http request If this annotation is used it override the @Request.path()
and theHttpClient.base(String)
UseConfigurer Request to use a custom configurer for the connection.Validable Validation ValidationResult ValidationResult.Status Validations Values Values.Item Version VerticalLayout