Interface RecordService

public interface RecordService
Helping class to build records.
  • Method Details

    • toObject

      <T> T toObject(Record data, Class<T> expected)
      Simple mapper of record to pojo.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the pojo type (optional).
      data - record to map to pojo.
      expected - : class expected.
      a pojo representing the data record.
    • toRecord

      <T> Record toRecord(T data)
      Simple mapper of data to record.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the pojo type (optional).
      data - pojo to map to record.
      a record representing the pojo.
    • forwardEntry

      boolean forwardEntry(Record source, Record.Builder builder, String sourceColumn, Schema.Entry entry)
      Forward an entry from the source record if it exists.
      source - the source record to read data from.
      builder - the current builder to fill.
      sourceColumn - the column name.
      entry - the entry to use for the output column.
      true if the entry was forwarded.
    • toRecord

      Method providing a collector enabling to create a record from another one in a custom fashion.
      schema - the schema of the record being built.
      fallbackRecord - the source record used when the custom handler does not handle current entry.
      customHandler - a processor of entry enabling to inject custom data in the record being built.
      beforeFinish - a callback before the record is actually built, it enables to add data if not already there.
      a collector enabling to build a record.
    • create

      Record create(Schema schema, Record fallbackRecord, BiFunction<Schema.Entry,Record.Builder,Boolean> customHandler, BiConsumer<Record.Builder,Boolean> beforeFinish)
      Shortcut to build a record using toRecord(Schema, Record, BiFunction, BiConsumer).
      schema - the schema of the record being built.
      fallbackRecord - the source record used when the custom handler does not handle current entry.
      customHandler - a processor of entry enabling to inject custom data in the record being built.
      beforeFinish - a callback before the record is actually built, it enables to add data if not already there.
      a collector enabling to build a record.
    • visit

      <T> T visit(RecordVisitor<T> visitor, Record record)
      Visit a record with a custom visitor.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the visitor returned type.
      visitor - the visitor to use to browse the record.
      record - record to visit.
      the visitor value.