All Classes and Interfaces

Allows to pass custom options to the evaluation strategy.
Called before an element group (bundle in beam semantic).
Decorates a method in a PartitionMapper returning a long and estimating the size of the whole dataset.
Make the 'string' parameter as base of the endpoint.
Classe base for services to be declared Serializable and use Component Manager serialization system.
Called before an element group (bundle in beam semantic).
Can mark a method (or all methods) of a service as being cached in the LocalCache.
Defines which implementation payloads (input/output) are serialized with.
Enable to configure the component by module (package).
Mark a configuration field method parameter as being instantiated from the LocalConfiguration.
Callback to configure the connection more deeply.
Represents the potential ConfigurerOption parameters of the invocation.
Represents actions doable on a connection.
Marks a parameter as a configurer option.
since 1.58.0, use ConnectorRef instead
Define the content type supported by Encoder and Decoder implementation
Allows to read in a custom manner a response payload.
Mark a method as returning the DiscoverDatasetResult of a datastore.
Mark a method as retruning the Schema of a dataset.
This class is dedicated to Studio's guess schema feature.
Mark a method as returning a Schema resulting from an input one and action of a processor for an outgoing branch.
Mark a class as a DriverRunner which means instance of this class will be run only on the driver node.
Mark a method as returning an input connector.
Mark a class as returning an input connector.
Allows to convert an object to a byte array to be sent accross the network.
Defines a UI row (list of widgets).
Just a java 8 wrapper to support multiple GridLayout on the same model.
Marks a parameter as a header value.
Mark parameter as the http request headers
Mark a method as retruning the HealthCheckStatus of a datastore.
You can cast an injected client with this type to initialize the base.
The service you can use to create http clients.
HttpException that wrap an http Response with a status code and an error payload
Mark parameter as the http method.
Icons from
Allows to inject in an unmanaged instance services.
The hook used to implement an interceptor.
Marks an annotation as being an interceptor marker.
Marks a feature as internal.
Framework service injectable in components or services methods to handle local caching.
Use to enrich object with meta-data (help to choice if attached object has to be removed from cache)
Provide an abstraction to read the local - environment - configuration.
Migrate a tcomp data instance from one version to another one.
This is the SPI to load the implementation, WARNING: this is an internal API.
Allows to create an instance from a classname and a set of properties.
Mark a configuration field (injected in a Emitter or Processor method parameter or nested in one of these method parameters).
On TCK Record, we have to control order of elements with keeping efficient access.
Marks a feature as not fully supported.
Decorates a Number parameter of Assessor method in a PartitionMapper which will hold the number of desired partitions for infinite connectors and the estimated size of each parition for not infinite connectors.
Marks a parameter as a path template.
Mark a class as returning an processor connector.
Mark a method as called to retrieve next element of the input.
This service aims to retrieve a record iterator based on a configured dataset of a connector.
Marks a parameter as a query parameter.
How to serialize the query parameter when there are more then one value.
Mark the parameter as the http request query parameters
Allows to create a record with a fluent API.
Entry point to create records (through builders).
Represents a extraction logic from a path (jsonpointer) for records.
Adapted representation of jsonpointer specification for record modelling.
Helping class to build records.
Visitor enabling to browse a record.
Marks the method as a request method.
Abstract a classloader adding the metadata about the resolution done to create it.
Represents a Http response and can be used as returned type of a Request method.
Use to group ReturnVariables.ReturnVariable annotations.
Declare return variable for the component.
Mark a method as running at driver node only.
Allows to build a Schema.
Plain builder matching Schema.Entry structure.
Mark a class as a service that can be injected into another service or a component via it constructor.
Compute the distibution plan based on input parameters.
Mark a method as returning a new instance of part of the form/configuration.
Mark parameter as the URL of the http request If this annotation is used it override the @Request.path() and the HttpClient.base(String)
Request to use a custom configurer for the connection.