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Changelog  Talend Component Kit Changelog   changelog release note latest changes version

TCOMP-2289: Payload validator fails on regexp matching component-manager TCOMP-2186: Guess schema service for processors api schema-record TCOMP-2276: Make Streaming stop strategy configurable component-manager studio TCOMP-1998: Remove component-server-vault-proxy from cloud environments component-server component-server-vault-proxy helm-charts vault-client TCOMP-2256: Replace nashorn javascript engine by rhino component-manager studio TCOMP-2259: Support db column name/length/precision with guess schema for all types studio TCOMP-2268: Upgrade jib to 0.22.0 remote-engine-customizer starter tsbi TCOMP-2273: Upgrade TSBI to 3.0.8-20220928070500 component-server starter tsbi TCOMP-2274: Move component-starter-server to TSBI starter TCOMP-2275: Use java 17 TSBI image for CI build build tsbi TCOMP-2286: Upgrade jackson to 2.13.4 TCOMP-2287: Upgrade commons-text to 1.10.0 documentation TCOMP-2276: Make Streaming stop strategy configurable component-manager studio TCOMP-2239: Fix Record.Builder interface to avoid API break schema-record TCOMP-2226: Implement a default UI for streaming sources for user configuration of a StopStrategy component-form component-manager TCOMP-2234: Override blocking read process in streaming connectors component-manager studio TCOMP-2258: @Documentation to tooltips in uiSchema component-form component-server TCOMP-2147: Decrease log level for blacklisted dependencies component-manager TCOMP-2228: Upgrade git-commit-id-plugin to 4.9.10 TCOMP-2232: Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.34 TCOMP-2238: Upgrade jib-core to 0.16.0 TCOMP-2249: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.19 TCOMP-2251: Upgrade jackson to 2.13.3 TCOMP-2252: MavenRepositoryResolver call fallback only it’s needed component-manager TCOMP-2257: Upgrade meecrowave to 1.2.14 component-manager TCOMP-2263: Upgrade openwebbeans-se to 2.0.27 component-manager TCOMP-2264: Upgrade TSBI to 3.0.5-20220907120958 tsbi TCOMP-2239: Fix Record.Builder interface to avoid API break schema-record TCOMP-2182: Guess Schema in Studio always uses version of component 1 studio studio-integration TCOMP-2190: Handle partial messages for large payloads in websocket communications component-server studio TCOMP-2107: Implement a stop strategy for streaming input connectors component-manager studio TCOMP-2177: Suppress illegal reflective access operation has occurred warnings component-manager TCOMP-2163: [QA] Component Runtime API test Framework testing TCOMP-2187: Introduce IntegerConstraintEnricher component-form TCOMP-2204: Upgrade netty to 4.1.79.Final TCOMP-2205: Upgrade crawler-commons to 1.3 TCOMP-2206: Upgrade guava to 31.1-jre TCOMP-2207: Upgrade maven to 3.8.6 TCOMP-2208: Upgrade maven-shade-plugin to 3.3.0 build TCOMP-2209: Upgrade junit5 to 5.9.0 TCOMP-2210: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.63 TCOMP-2211: Upgrade cxf to 3.5.2 TCOMP-2212: Upgrade bndlib to 5.2.0 TCOMP-2217: Update rat-plugin to 0.14 build TCOMP-2219: Add API to convert data in Record schema-record TCOMP-2223: Upgrade log4j to 2.18.0 TCOMP-2227: Upgrade commons-io to 2.9.0 TCOMP-2229: Upgrade jcommander to 1.81 TCOMP-2230: Allow specific context UI TCOMP-2233: support decimal type TCOMP-2190: Handle partial messages for large payloads in websocket communications component-server studio TCOMP-2177: Suppress illegal reflective access operation has occurred warnings component-manager TCOMP-2177: Suppress illegal reflective access operation has occurred warnings component-manager TCOMP-2176: Record : Infinite loop schema-record TCOMP-2146: Car bundler improvements car-bundler maven-plugin TCOMP-2151: Add documentation translation to metadata component-server TCOMP-2132: Optimisation for preparation schema-record TCOMP-2143: [JDBC TCK]: Support MODULE_LIST field for studio in tck connector ui for driver jars choose studio TCOMP-2152: Upgrade jackson to 2.13.2 beam bom maven-plugin TCOMP-2153: Bump netty to 4.1.77.Final due to CVE CVE-2022-24823 testing TCOMP-2154: Upgrade maven-settings to 3.8.5 due to CVE-2021-26291 build TCOMP-2155: Upgrade jdom2 to due to CVE-2021-33813 beam TCOMP-2164: Ensure that decryption is done only on credential fields component-server vault-client TCOMP-2171: Add component type to ComponentIndex component-server TCOMP-2152: Upgrade jackson to 2.13.2 beam bom maven-plugin TCOMP-2146: Car bundler improvements car-bundler maven-plugin TCOMP-2111: [Runtime convergence] : Join connector fails in cloud environment with hybrid tck/beam connectors api beam TCOMP-2123: Bug on order columns for Avro Impl beam schema-record TCOMP-2127: Fix avro records where array contains nullable array beam schema-record TCOMP-2131: starter-toolkit fails when generating a connector from openapi description starter TCOMP-2133: component-registry uses detailed version not baseVersion in snapshot case build maven-plugin TCOMP-2134: Activate intellij plugin by default intellij starter TCOMP-2138: starter-toolkit github repository creation process fails starter TCOMP-2135: Component web tester in non interactive mode component-server maven-plugin testing TCOMP-2126: give default implementation to Record.Builder to not break api api TCOMP-2130: Add git informations in starter-toolkit’s environment starter TCOMP-2127: Fix avro records where array contains nullable array beam schema-record TCOMP-2130: Add git informations in starter-toolkit’s environment starter TCOMP-2126: give default implementation to Record.Builder to not break api api TCOMP-2085: Add extras manipulations on Record BuilderImpl beam schema-record TCOMP-2102: Wrong maven resolution with car when using snapshot in prepare-repository goal build maven-plugin TCOMP-2119: Avro Record : array containing Null. beam schema-record TCOMP-2112: [JDBC] discover schema API is failing on production. build maven-plugin TCOMP-2103: Link affected jira components to issue in changelog as keywords for search documentation TCOMP-2098: Improve m2 discovery process documentation TCOMP-2104: Header link should be linked to latest path documentation TCOMP-2105: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.60 component-server maven-plugin starter TCOMP-2108: Upgrade maven plugins TCOMP-2109: Upgrade git-commit-id-plugin to 4.0.5 TCOMP-2110: Replace log4j by reload4j stitch TCOMP-2114: Upgrade TSBI to 2.9.27-20220331162145 component-server component-server-vault-proxy starter tsbi TCOMP-2115: Upgrade jackson to 2.12.6 due to CVE-2020-36518 bom TCOMP-2116: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.2 TCOMP-2117: Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.33 TCOMP-2118: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.62 (mitigation for CVE-2022-22965) component-server component-server-vault-proxy starter TDI-47693 : fix misaligned openwebbeans-spi dependency studio TCOMP-2003: Maven dependency classifier considered as version in dependencies.txt by Studio TCOMP-2096: Support BigDecimal type in DI integration TCOMP-2087: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.59 due to CVE-2022-23181 TCOMP-2088: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.26 TCOMP-2089: Upgrade meecrowave to 1.2.13 TCOMP-2090: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.16 TCOMP-2091: Upgrade Beam to 2.36.0 TCOMP-2092: MvnCoordinateToFileConverter fakes classifiers' support TCOMP-2093: Improve component-runtime documentation site TCOMP-2097: Upgrade cxf to 3.5.1 TCOMP-1803: RecordBuilder.withRecord(final String name, final Record value) doesn’t accept null value TCOMP-2079: Intellij plugin fails on plugin startup TCOMP-2080: AvroRecord refuses Union[null, RecordSchema] TCOMP-2082: ComponentManager’s findDefaultM2 method takes comment as granted TCOMP-2058: Add dependencies on config TCOMP-2074: Change JSON log format to conform to ECS TCOMP-2083: Give component-runtime version on ComponentManager startup TCOMP-2084: Allow use of i18n in connectors' metadata for custom labels TCOMP-2079: Intellij plugin fails on plugin startup TCOMP-2080: AvroRecord refuses Union[null, RecordSchema] TCOMP-2082: ComponentManager’s findDefaultM2 method takes comment as granted TCOMP-2063: Avro Record Constructor TCOMP-2064: NPE with lookup missconfiguration in Join processor TCOMP-2067: Bug on order columns TCOMP-2071: Define default methods on Schema / Entry / Record interfaces TCOMP-2045: Pass and read meta information about columns. TCOMP-2072: Ligthen parameters for component-server docker image TCOMP-2057: AvroSchema : optimize getType by using type fields TCOMP-2060: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.0 due to CVE-2021-45105 TCOMP-2061: Upgrade netty to 4.1.72.Final due to CVE-2021-43797 TCOMP-2065: Internationalized Services as Serializable TCOMP-2068: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.17.1 due to CVE-2021-44832 TCOMP-2069: Create a latest tag for component-runtime images TCOMP-2070: Upgrade TSBI to 2.9.18-20220104141654 TCOMP-2073: Upgrade maven-core to 3.8.4 due to CVE TCOMP-2047: RecordBuilder in RowstructVisitor keeps values TCOMP-2048: RowstructVisitor should respect case in member not java convention TCOMP-2049: Incompatible class change on Entry TCOMP-2053: Migration failing when using custom java code in configuration TCOMP-2018: Optimize Avro Record TCOMP-2054: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.16.0 due to CVE-2021-44228 TCOMP-2053: Migration failing when using custom java code in configuration TCOMP-2054: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.16.0 due to CVE-2021-44228 TCOMP-2049: Incompatible class change on Entry TCOMP-2047: RecordBuilder in RowstructVisitor keeps values TCOMP-2048: RowstructVisitor should respect case in member not java convention TCOMP-2019: Sanitized columns name collision support TCOMP-2021: Missing logic when handling null date values in Record TCOMP-2046: Rowstruct visitor recreates schema at each incoming row TCOMP-2004: [Runtime convergence] New tck/API to retrieve dataset full content TCOMP-2008: Add ability to insert a schema entry on Record BuilderImpl TCOMP-1924: Support Java 17 runtime TCOMP-2023: Upgrade gradle to 6.9.1 TCOMP-2024: Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin to 4.2.1 TCOMP-2025: Upgrade documentation to latest TCOMP-2027: Upgrage junit to 5.8.1 TCOMP-2028: Provide nashorn scripting engine when using java15+ TCOMP-2029: Upgrade jaxb to 2.3.5 TCOMP-2030: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.54 due to CVE-2021-42340 TCOMP-2031: Upgrade Beam to 2.33.0 TCOMP-2032: Upgrade Spark to 3.2.0 TCOMP-2035: Check build w/ Java 17 on CI TCOMP-2036: Upgrade cxf to 3.4.5 TCOMP-2037: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.15 TCOMP-2038: Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.69 TCOMP-2042: Return a key related to version of connector services and its content TCOMP-2043: Upgrade spotless to 2.17.3 and talend-java-formatter to 0.2.2 TCOMP-2044: Upgrade TSBI to 2.9.2-20211106085418 TCOMP-2045: Pass and read meta information about columns. studio-integration TCOMP-2096: Support BigDecimal type in DI integration schema-record studio studio-integration TCOMP-2070: Upgrade TSBI to 2.9.18-20220104141654 build component-server component-server-vault-proxy tsbi TCOMP-2105: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.60 component-server maven-plugin starter TCOMP-2030: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.54 due to CVE-2021-42340 TCOMP-2053: Migration failing when using custom java code in configuration TCOMP-2054: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.16.0 due to CVE-2021-44228 TCOMP-2048: RowstructVisitor should respect case in member not java convention TCOMP-2047: RecordBuilder in RowstructVisitor keeps values TCOMP-2046: Rowstruct visitor recreates schema at each incoming row TCOMP-1963: Missing IMetaDataColumn fields in guess schema TCOMP-1987: Avro record : Array of Array of records issue TCOMP-1988: Unable to run component-runtime connectors in Studio with JDK 17 TCOMP-2005: Non defined columns appear in schema TCOMP-2006: Support empty values for Numbers case TCOMP-2010: Error on Documentation build on "less" usage TCOMP-2020: talend-component-kit-intellij-plugin module build fails using Bintray (decomissioned) TCOMP-1900: Create jenkins release process for component-runtime TCOMP-1997: Enable plugins reloading according criteria TCOMP-2000: Upgrade netty to 4.1.68.Final TCOMP-2001: Upgrade Beam to 2.32.0 TCOMP-2007: connectors as a json object in Environment TCOMP-2009: Upgrade dockerfile-maven-plugin to 1.4.13 TCOMP-2016: UiSchema can’t hold advanced titleMap for more advanded datalist widgets TCOMP-2007: connectors as a json object in Environment TCOMP-1957: Avro schema builder issue TCOMP-1994: WebSocketClient$ClientException when executing action in Studio TCOMP-1923: Record : add metadata TCOMP-1990: Update jsoup to 1.14.2 due to CVE-2021-37714 TCOMP-1991: Update groovy to 3.0.9 due to CVE-2021-36373 / CVE-2021-36374 TCOMP-1992: Update lombok to 1.18.20 TCOMP-1993: Update TSBI to 2.9.0-20210907155713 TCOMP-1995: Expose the connectors (global) version in the "Environment" response TCOMP-1996: BaseService must not define equals & hashcode TCOMP-1994: WebSocketClient$ClientException when executing action in Studio TCOMP-1904: Delegate Avro record in AvroRecord seems to be invalid TCOMP-1967: goal uispec generation failure TCOMP-1983: fix module inclusion in dependencies.txt when build is java9+ TCOMP-1981: Allow to filter artifacts in car file generation TCOMP-1982: Allow to include extra artifacts in car file generation TCOMP-1876: Make schemaImpl immutable TCOMP-1885: Service Serializable TCOMP-1906: Redefine equals on RecordImpl TCOMP-1955: Upgrade cxf to 3.4.4 due to CVE-2021-30468 TCOMP-1966: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.50 due to CVE-2021-33037 TCOMP-1968: Upgrade maven to 3.8.1 TCOMP-1969: Upgrade Beam to 2.31.0 TCOMP-1970: Upgrade jackson to 2.12.1 TCOMP-1971: Upgrade Junit to 5.8.0-M1 TCOMP-1972: Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.32 TCOMP-1973: Upgrade log4j to 2.14.1 TCOMP-1974: Upgrade commons-compress to 1.21 due to CVE-2021-36090 TCOMP-1975: Upgrade TSBI to 2.8.2-20210722144648 TCOMP-1976: Upgrade meecrowave to 1.2.11 TCOMP-1977: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.23 TCOMP-1978: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.44 TCOMP-1979: Upgrade xbean to 4.20 TCOMP-1980: Upgrade meecrowave to 1.2.12 TCOMP-1967: goal uispec generation failure TCOMP-1935: After Variables doesn’t support custom object types TCOMP-1941: Maven goal talend-component:web fails on startup TCOMP-1947: Implement a retry strategy on failure in vault-client TCOMP-1948: Raised exception in component-server(s) should be serialized in json TCOMP-1952: IllegalArgumentException when the http response return duplicated header. TCOMP-1939: Upgrade TSBI to Talend 2.7.2-20210616074048 TCOMP-1940: Upgrade Beam to 2.30.0 TCOMP-1941: Maven goal talend-component:web fails on startup TCOMP-1939: Upgrade TSBI to Talend 2.7.2-20210616074048 TCOMP-1919: Sanitize must force encoding file TCOMP-1925: Incorrect mapping of the parameters after arrays TCOMP-1937: Classpath not fully parsed in TSBI images TCOMP-1917: Add DatasetDiscovery annotation TCOMP-1707: Upgrade Geronimo :: Simple JCache to 1.0.5 TCOMP-1850: component-server with vault feature TCOMP-1907: Service monitor implementation & cleaning of grafana dashboard TCOMP-1921: Upgrade TSBI to 2.7.0-20210527090437 TCOMP-1930: Remove jsoup 1.7.x transitive dependency due to CVE-2015-6748 TCOMP-1936: Extend properties in Schema to use JsonValue TCOMP-1938: Add the german locale in the locale mapping TCOMP-1938: Add the german locale in the locale mapping TCOMP-1937: Classpath not fully parsed in TSBI images TCOMP-1919: Sanitize must force encoding file TCOMP-1886: Errors on Schema.sanitizeConnectionName TCOMP-1905: component-runtime fails to build with Java 11 TCOMP-1893: Upgrade to Beam 2.29.0 and use Beam’s Spark 3 specific module TCOMP-705: Support After variables TCOMP-1898: Add method to Record.Builder TCOMP-1910: Upgrade commons-io to 2.8.0 due to CVE-2021-29425 TCOMP-1911: Upgrade cxf to 3.4.3 due to CVE-2021-22696 TCOMP-1912: Upgrade TSBI to 2.6.7-20210503202416 TCOMP-1938: Add the german locale in the locale mapping TCOMP-1937: Classpath not fully parsed in TSBI images TCOMP-1880: Engine Server returns binary data instead of json (aka does not respect the compressed header) TCOMP-1886: Errors on Schema.sanitizeConnectionName TCOMP-1815: Support of ComponentException in migration TCOMP-1873: Add method getEntry on TCK Record Schema class TCOMP-1892: Upgrade Spark to 3.0.1 TCOMP-1888: Remove/change validation of ComponentException TCOMP-1894: Uniformize docker images entrypoints TCOMP-1895: Enhance coercion in RecordConverters TCOMP-1896: Upgrade TSBI to 2.6.4-20210331133410 TCOMP-1806: Double values are rounded to 5 decimal places in studio TCOMP-1851: HttpClient implementation class is a Service with State TCOMP-1864: JsonSchemaConverter and johnzon-jsonschema 1.2.9+ look incompatible TCOMP-1866: Invalid number coercion on primitive type TCOMP-1869: byte[] handling is incorrect in dynamic column TCOMP-1871: Dynamic metadata name is not sanitized TCOMP-1861: Add a 'props' property in the Schema TCOMP-1863: Upgrade batik-codec to 1.14 due to CVE-2020-11988 TCOMP-1865: Upgrade cxf to 3.4.2 TCOMP-1867: Upgrade Apache Beam to 2.28.0 TCOMP-1878: Upgrade TSBI to 2.6.3-20210304090015 TCOMP-1688: Rewrite JsonSchema required rules to reflect component’s validation rules TCOMP-1857: Pojo conversion don’t support nested Objects TCOMP-1841: Add a SPI that would allow to add metadata to components TCOMP-1847: Upgrade Apache Beam to 2.27.0 TCOMP-1848: Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.68 due to CVE 2020-28052 TCOMP-1849: Proxify metrics component-server’s endpoint TCOMP-1852: Upgrade netty to v4.1.58.Final and ensure default http testing module is java 11 friendly over ssl TCOMP-1854: Upgrade netty to 4.1.59.Final due to CVE-2021-21290 TCOMP-1855: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.10 TCOMP-1856: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.43 TCOMP-1841: Add a SPI that would allow to add metadata to components TCOMP-1852: Upgrade netty to v4.1.58.Final and ensure default http testing module is java 11 friendly over ssl TCOMP-1854: Upgrade netty to 4.1.59.Final due to CVE-2021-21290 TCOMP-1848: Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.68 due to CVE 2020-28052 TCOMP-1839: Tomcat websocket server fails to start after tomcat 9.0.40 and meecrowave 1.2.10 TCOMP-1836: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.20 TCOMP-1837: Upgrade xbean to 4.18 TCOMP-1838: Upgrade cxf to 3.4.1 TCOMP-1840: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.41 TCOMP-1842: Upgrade jgit to TCOMP-1844: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.9 TCOMP-1845: Upgrade guava to 30.1-jre due to CVE-2020-8908 TCOMP-1848: Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.68 due to CVE 2020-28052 TCOMP-1839: Tomcat websocket server fails to start after tomcat 9.0.40 and meecrowave 1.2.10 TCOMP-1836: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.20 TCOMP-1837: Upgrade xbean to 4.18 TCOMP-1827: Upgrade lombok to 1.18.16 TCOMP-1828: Change project’s versioning scheme TCOMP-1829: Upgrade TSBI to 2.5.3-20201201131449 TCOMP-1830: Upgrade Apache Beam to 2.26.0 TCOMP-1832: Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.13 due to CVE-2020-13956 TCOMP-1833: Upgrade spark to 2.4.7 TCOMP-1834: Upgrade groovy to 3.0.7 due to CVE-2020-17521 TCOMP-1787: ComponentManager can’t be re-created after it’s been closed TCOMP-1788: Invalid properties validation TCOMP-1801: Can’t look for resources in the classpath on Windows TCOMP-1761: Support of complete schema definition TCOMP-1725: Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.40 TCOMP-1792: Uniform error message on component validation TCOMP-1808: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.14.0 TCOMP-1809: Update CXF to 3.3.8 due to CVE-2020-13954 TCOMP-1812: Upgrade junit to 4.13.1 due to CVE-2020-15250 TCOMP-1813: Upgrade jupiter to 5.7.0 TCOMP-1816: Apache Maven Shared Utils: OS Command Injection in Talend/component-runtime (master) and Talend/cloud-components TCOMP-1817: Upgrade gmavenplus-plugin to 1.11.0 TCOMP-1722: REST - Last / in endpoint is removed TCOMP-1757: Studio - context not set when call a @suggestable service TCOMP-1772: Code widget doesn’t allow multiline text TCOMP-1726: Update logos and colors TCOMP-1771: Record builder optimization (with static schema) TCOMP-1773: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.13.3 TCOMP-1774: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.8 TCOMP-1775: Upgrade commons-lang3 to 3.11 TCOMP-1776: Upgrade commons-codec to 1.15 TCOMP-1777: Upgrade jgit to TCOMP-1778: Upgrade jib-core to 0.15.0 TCOMP-1779: Upgrade batik to 1.13 TCOMP-1780: Upgrade TSBI to 2.4.0-20200925092052 TCOMP-1781: Upgrade asciidoctorj to 2.4.1 TCOMP-1782: Upgrade rrd4j to 3.7 TCOMP-1783: Upgrade netty to 5.0.0.Alpha2 TCOMP-1784: Upgrade ziplock to 8.0.4 TCOMP-1785: Upgrade JRuby to TCOMP-1786: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.24.0 TCOMP-1804: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.25.0 TCOMP-1805: Upgrade TSBI to 2.5.0-20201030171201 TCOMP-1770: Performance loss on Ouput components in Studio TCOMP-1750: Deadlock at TPD job startup using the Component SDK and using the Workday component TCOMP-1759: Guess schema mixes columns returned by tck service TCOMP-1752: Make component-runtime class loader find classes in RemoteEngine JobServer TCOMP-1764: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.23.0 TCOMP-1719: Header responses for icon not propagated correctly from Component-server-vault-proxy TCOMP-1733: NPE in Studio metadata connection with activeif on different layouts TCOMP-1734: Studio froze when installing a patch with TCOMP-1736: JobImpl retrieves more than streaming.maxRecords parameter TCOMP-1739: Use scala version defined on parent for Spark related components TCOMP-1695: Support List type in Studio TCOMP-1737: Allow to force installation of an already existing component with the car bundle TCOMP-1728: Enforce use of the defined error contract in connectors TCOMP-1731: Make connectors docker image TSBI compliant TCOMP-1738: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.22.0 TCOMP-1742: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.7 TCOMP-1727: WebSocketContainer not present in ServletContext TCOMP-1696: Definition of an error contract to handle expected errors TCOMP-1729: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.21.0 TCOMP-1730: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.6 TCOMP-1719: Header responses for icon not propagated correctly from Component-server-vault-proxy TCOMP-1649: Tomcat bump to 9.0.31 broke talend-component:web goal TCOMP-1676: Starter-toolkit mvn package throws error when running for the first time TCOMP-1677: Using other types than String in Studio’s context values causes compilation error TCOMP-1679: Combination of @Required and @Suggestable on a field creates strange behaviour TCOMP-1682: Remove key attribute in UISchema for containers TCOMP-1686: antora helper function relativize corrupts documentation TCOMP-1694: [MAVEN PLUGIN] validateSvg argument is ineffective TCOMP-1698: UiSpecService injects a wrong property for suggestions and dynamic_values TCOMP-1718: Duplicated code in RecordConverters TCOMP-1702: Improve columns name TCOMP-1655: Upgrade jib-core to 0.13.1 TCOMP-1656: Upgrade log4j2 to 2.13.1 TCOMP-1657: Upgrade maven to 3.6.3 TCOMP-1658: Upgrade groovy to 3.0.2 TCOMP-1659: Upgrade lombok to 1.18.12 TCOMP-1660: Upgrade commons-compress to 1.20 TCOMP-1661: Upgrade commons-codec to 1.14 TCOMP-1662: Upgrade guava to 28.2-jre TCOMP-1663: Upgrade ziplock to 8.0.1 TCOMP-1664: Upgrade asciidoctorj to 2.2.0 and its dependencies TCOMP-1665: Upgrade jackson to 2.10.3 TCOMP-1666: Upgrade batik-codec to 1.12 TCOMP-1667: Upgrade jgit to TCOMP-1668: Upgrade junit to 4.13 TCOMP-1669: Upgrade bouncycastle to 1.64 TCOMP-1670: Upgrade spark-core_2.11 to 2.4.5 TCOMP-1671: Upgrade maven-shade-plugin to 3.2.2 TCOMP-1672: Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.12 TCOMP-1673: Upgrade component-runtime-testing dependencies TCOMP-1674: Upgrade tomitribe-crest to 0.14 TCOMP-1678: Upgrade jgit to TCOMP-1685: Provide docker images based on TSBI TCOMP-1687: More explicit exception messsage on reflection for findField TCOMP-1690: Upgrade netty to 4.1.48.Final TCOMP-1692: Update CXF to 3.3.6 due to CVE-2020-1954 TCOMP-1697: Update BouncyCastle to 1.65 TCOMP-1703: Upgrade log4j-2 to 2.13.2 TCOMP-1705: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.20.0 TCOMP-1706: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.16 TCOMP-1708: Upgrade groovy to 3.0.3 TCOMP-1710: Upgrade johnzon to 1.2.5 TCOMP-1711: Upgrade guava to 29.0-jre TCOMP-1712: Upgrade commons-lang3 to 3.10 TCOMP-1713: Upgrade jackson to 2.11.0 TCOMP-1714: Upgrade junit to 5.7.0-M1 TCOMP-1716: Upgrade maven shade plugin to 3.2.3 and misc libs TCOMP-1639: component-server incorrect response set in request TCOMP-1640: Ensure Intellij plugin works with Intellij Idea IU-201 TCOMP-1641: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.15 TCOMP-1642: Upgrade Groovy to 3.0.1 TCOMP-1643: Add automatic scheduling eviction system on LocalCache TCOMP-1644: Upgrade log4j to 2.13.0 TCOMP-1645: Ensure correct wording is used in @Documentation TCOMP-1647: Upgrade netty to 4.1.45.Final TCOMP-1648: Unsafe Dependancy Resolution on jcommander TCOMP-1638: Inject services to delegate in proxy TCOMP-1619: Handle correctly DATETIME field type on AvroRecord TCOMP-1622: [DOC] @Icon is not supported on datastore/dataset TCOMP-1623: Change scheme for maven repos TCOMP-1628: Manage BigDecimal in RecordConverter TCOMP-1629: Ensure LocalConfiguration environment source replace dot with _ TCOMP-1630: Avoid NPE when configurationByExample() is called in a list of primitive without values TCOMP-1631: int attribute in pojo is transformed to double in a Record TCOMP-1632: Add a way to evict cached data from LocalCache TCOMP-1616: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.14 in component-server and component-server-vault-proxy TCOMP-1617: Move mocked api results to github pages TCOMP-1618: Upgrade Junit to 5.6.0 TCOMP-1620: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.18.0 TCOMP-1621: Upgrade to Johnzon 1.2.3 TCOMP-1624: @Service does not support list injections TCOMP-1625: Upgrade to xbean 4.16 TCOMP-1626: Ensure ContainerListenerExtensions can be sorted TCOMP-1627: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.19.0 TCOMP-1633: Upgrade Groovy to 3.0.0 TCOMP-1634: Upgrade tomcat to 9.0.31 TCOMP-1596: Windows URI are broken TCOMP-1597: Httpclient does not support multi query parameters TCOMP-1598: validator task uses ENGLISH locale to validate instead of root one TCOMP-1612: Starter toolkit shouldn’t use the default 'STAR' icon in demo component TCOMP-1585: Upgrade netty to 4.1.43.Final TCOMP-1586: Upgrade ziplock to v8.0.0 TCOMP-1587: Upgrade jib to v0.12.0 TCOMP-1588: Upgrade JRuby to v9.2.9.0 TCOMP-1589: Upgrade crest to v0.11.0 TCOMP-1591: Update to Tomcat 9.0.29 TCOMP-1592: Update to Johnzon 1.2.2 TCOMP-1593: Update to OpenWebBeans 2.0.13 TCOMP-1595: Infinite partitionmapper shouldn’t require assesor TCOMP-1599: More unsafe usage tolerance on JVM versions TCOMP-1600: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.30 TCOMP-1606: Ensure job dsl can stop infinite inputs TCOMP-1608: Upgrade geronimo openapi to 1.0.12 TCOMP-1609: Ensure Intellij plugin works with Intellij Idea 2019 TCOMP-1611: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.17.0 TCOMP-1613: Upgrade cxf to 3.3.5 TCOMP-1614: Upgrade groovy to 3.0.0-rc3 TCOMP-1615: Upgrade OpenWebBeans to 2.0.14 TCOMP-1560: Min and Max error message during configuration validation are reversed TCOMP-1563: Web Tester does not work anymore (maven/gradle goal/task) TCOMP-1573: Body encoder is called twice for each query TCOMP-1582: Deploy to Nexus 3.15 caused "Provided url doesn’t respond neither to Nexus 2 nor to Nexus 3 endpoints" TCOMP-1576: Add the possibility to desactivate http client redirection in HTTP Configurer TCOMP-1559: Support configuration of the maxBatchSize enablement TCOMP-1561: Custom action type shouldn’t need to be enforced to define a family method TCOMP-1562: Support JsonObject type in actions TCOMP-1564: Move to java.nio.Path instead of in component-runtime-manager stack where possible TCOMP-1565: Upgade to Junit Jupiter 5.6.0-M1 TCOMP-1566: Don’t compute jvmMarkers per component module but once for all TCOMP-1567: Cache Artifact path in case of reuse TCOMP-1568: Lazily create the container services TCOMP-1569: Upgrade starter to gradle 6.0-rc1 TCOMP-1570: Ensure starter adds _placeholder entries in TCOMP-1571: Support [length] syntax to change array configuration TCOMP-1572: Validate that @Option is not used on final fields TCOMP-1574: Upgrade to CXF 3.3.4 TCOMP-1575: Upgrade to Spark 2.4.4 TCOMP-1577: Upgrade to xbean 4.15 TCOMP-1578: Upgrade asciidoctor-pdf to v1.5.0-beta.7 TCOMP-1581: Support JUnit5 meta annotations for our extensions TCOMP-1752: Make component-runtime class loader find classes in RemoteEngine JobServer TCOMP-1702: Improve columns name TCOMP-1685: Provide docker images based on TSBI TCOMP-1558: org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.record.RecordService must be serializable TCOMP-1548: Basic Remote Engine Customizer TCOMP-1550: Component configuration instantiation can be slow for complex configurations TCOMP-1551: ObjectFactory should default to fieldproperties when field injection is activated TCOMP-1553: Simplify and widden excluded classes for with transformer support TCOMP-1555: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.27 TCOMP-1556: Studio short, byte, BigDecimal and char types are wrong handled TCOMP-1557: Upgrade to Beam 2.16.0 TCOMP-1509: Intellij plugin does not declare java module preventing the plugin to run under last versions TCOMP-1526: Upgrade talend UI bundle (js) to 4.6.0 TCOMP-1533: JSON-B API does not enable to combine multiple adapters or (de)serializers in JsonbConfig TCOMP-1536: @DefaultValue ignored in documentation generation TCOMP-1541: Studio integration enforces JSON<→Record conversion instead of relying on rowStruct making number precision lost TCOMP-1542: Validator plugin uses family instead of pluginId (artifactId) to validate local-configuration TCOMP-1508: Don’t let Talend Starter Toolkit loose state on Enter in intellij TCOMP-1543: Add a uispec mapper TCOMP-1544: Update Geronimo JSON-P spec bundle to v1.3 TCOMP-1545: Update OpenWebBeans to version 2.0.12 TCOMP-1546: Update Meecrowave to 1.2.9 TCOMP-1547: Update Johnzon to 1.2.1 TCOMP-1279: Rewrite the pojo <→ record mapping to keep number types TCOMP-1504: Apache Beam 2.14.0 upgrade TCOMP-1505: Upgrade jackson-databind to TCOMP-1506: Enable actions in bulk endpoint TCOMP-1507: Upgrade to johnzon 1.1.13 TCOMP-1511: Upgrade cxf to v3.3.3 TCOMP-1513: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.24 TCOMP-1514: Provide a RecordService to simplify record enrichment coding in processors TCOMP-1515: Record visitor API TCOMP-1517: Use netty 4.1.39.Final in junit http tools TCOMP-1518: Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.28 TCOMP-1519: Upgrade to jib-core 0.10.1 TCOMP-1520: Don’t use JsonNode with Avro Fields anymore TCOMP-1521: Upgrade to Beam 2.15.0 TCOMP-1522: Basic singer/tap/stitch integration with kit components TCOMP-1523: Upgrade Apache Geronimo OpenAPI to v1.0.11 TCOMP-1524: Upgrade starter to gradle 5.6 TCOMP-1525: Upgrade commons-compress to v1.19 TCOMP-1527: Remove beam Mapper/Processor wrapping support TCOMP-1528: Upgrade to maven 3.6.2 TCOMP-1529: Asciidoctor 2.1.0 upgrade TCOMP-1530: geronimo-annotation 1.2 upgrade TCOMP-1532: Upgrade to Junit 5.5.2 TCOMP-1535: Upgrade to johnzon 1.2.0 TCOMP-1537: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.26 TCOMP-1538: Upgrade to jackson 2.9.10 TCOMP-1539: Rework default direct runner/spark classloader rules TCOMP-1540: Ensure Asciidoctor documentation rendering releases properly JRuby threads (main usage only) TCOMP-1478: /documentation/component/{id} internationalization does not work when embedded TCOMP-1479: When generating the documentation, it can happen the lang is wrong due to ResourceBundle usage TCOMP-1480: Servers docker images don’t have curl or wget available TCOMP-1497: POJO to Record mapping is not supported in processors TCOMP-1498: SVG2Mojo wrongly log the source file as being created TCOMP-1499: component-form does not support array of object of object if 2 levels use the same field name TCOMP-1500: Ensure component-form button have a key to have an id and propagate errors in the front TCOMP-1503: EnvironmentSecuredFilter not working on /environment/ TCOMP-1482: Enable web tester to switch the language TCOMP-1483: Enable to expose the documentation through the web tester TCOMP-1485: Asciidoctor documentation does not enable titles (component name and configuration ones) to be translated TCOMP-1486: Ensure locale mapping is configurable in component-server TCOMP-1484: Junit 5.5.0 upgrade TCOMP-1487: AsciidocMojo should only use ROOT locale by default TCOMP-1488: Enable to translate gridlayout names TCOMP-1489: Upgrade Tomcat to v9.0.22 TCOMP-1491: Upgrade JIB to v1.4.0 TCOMP-1492: Upgrade jackson-databind to TCOMP-1493: Rewrite component exception to ensure they can be loaded after a serialization TCOMP-1494: Upgrade to junit jupiter 5.5.1 TCOMP-1495: Upgrade to Geronimo OpenAPI 1.0.10 TCOMP-1496: [testing tool] MainInputFactory does not support Record TCOMP-1501: Remove generate mojo TCOMP-1502: [maven plugin] upgrade jib-core to 0.10.0 TCOMP-1469: Studio maven repository not found OOTB TCOMP-1472: Connectors maven goal does not work in 1.1.10 TCOMP-1473: Docker image text log setup should use ISO8601 and not HH:mm:ss.SSS TCOMP-1470: Upgrade Tomcat to v9.0.21 TCOMP-1471: Upgrade Geronimo OpenAPI to v1.0.9 TCOMP-1474: Ensure proxies definition are java >=11 friendly TCOMP-1425: Spark classes not excluded anymore in component-runtime-beam leading to classloading issues TCOMP-1427: dependencies.txt mojo uses timestamped versions for snapshots instead of just -SNAPSHOT TCOMP-1431: [maven] Asciidoctor files should be attached with adoc extension and not jar one TCOMP-1433: [form-model] itemwidget ignored from uischema builder TCOMP-1438: Index cache can lead to invalid index list of component TCOMP-1440: Bulk components without @ElementListener when used with component-extension (default in the server) TCOMP-1441: Missing parameter init in the UiSchema Trigger builder TCOMP-1446: Rework gradle lifecycle TCOMP-1419: Upgrade build to groovy 2.5.7 TCOMP-1420: Upgrade maven compiler to 3.1.2 TCOMP-1422: Filter allowed beam classes in component-server image TCOMP-1423: Enable to customize studio maven repository for deploy-studio maven and gradle goal/task TCOMP-1426: Ensure Spark rule and @WithSpark uses a default version consistent with the runtime TCOMP-1430: Deprecate built-in icons in favor of vendor specific icons TCOMP-1432: basic dita generation for the component documentation TCOMP-1434: [form-model] Add withCondition to UISchema builder TCOMP-1435: Dont use beam_sdks_java_core shaded libraries TCOMP-1437: Add infinite metadata to ComponentDetail TCOMP-1444: Remove KnownJarsFilter since it is no more used to discover components TCOMP-1445: Icon must support SVG TCOMP-1448: [starter] provide a basic OpenAPI integration TCOMP-1449: Upgrade XBean to v4.14 TCOMP-1450: Add a read-only bulk endpoint in component-server TCOMP-1451: [upgrade] Johnzon 1.1.12 TCOMP-1452: [upgrade] Meecrowave 1.2.8 TCOMP-1453: Upgrade to CXF 3.3.2 TCOMP-1455: Prepare DateTime support in configurations TCOMP-1457: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.13.0 TCOMP-1458: Ensure _placeholder presence is encouraged and validated TCOMP-1459: Experimental way to patch a component dependency TCOMP-1461: Extension API for the validator plugin TCOMP-1462: Validate through the corresponding build task provided SVG TCOMP-1464: Upgrade to OpenWebBeans 2.0.11 TCOMP-1465: Upgrade to JUnit 5.5.0-RC1 TCOMP-1466: Upgrade to ziplock 8.0.0-M2 TCOMP-1467: Upgrade mock server (testing tool) to netty 5.0.0.Alpha2 TCOMP-1468: Support docker-compose >= 1.23 in vault-proxy TCOMP-1374: ensure Utf8 avro strings don’t leak in AvroRecord API, even using get(Object.class, …) TCOMP-1375: When two sources use the same dataset and one source has additional required parameter the validation fails TCOMP-1384: Enhance studio guess schema algorithm to find implicitly the action to call if needed TCOMP-1388: Can’t change the dataset name in starter TCOMP-1389: Intellij starter fails to generate a project TCOMP-1398: Using after option of @updateable can lead to a null pointer exception in component-form TCOMP-1401: Documentation table is broken TCOMP-1407: Databricks: interface is not visible from class loader TCOMP-1386: Add withRecord(String,Record) in Record.Builder TCOMP-1387: Use icon bundle version 3.1.0 TCOMP-1412: Add rest and couchbase icon to component api TCOMP-1376: Upgrade jupiter to 5.4.2 TCOMP-1385: talend.component.server.component.registry must be a list TCOMP-1390: Move component-api to component-runtime repository TCOMP-1392: Tomcat 9.0.19 upgrade TCOMP-1402: Provide a placeholder for classpath extensions in docker images TCOMP-1403: Upgrade asciidoctor to 2.0.0 and asciidoctor-pdf to alpha17 TCOMP-1404: Upgrade to Apache Beam 2.12.0 TCOMP-1408: Starter does not support types starting with a lowercase TCOMP-1411: ComponentManager relies on beam jar name. This is unlikely and should move to beam integration module. TCOMP-1417: Upgrade to Geronimo OpenAPI 1.0.8 TCOMP-1326: Avro Schema is not serializable as JSON so guess schema action does not work when compoennt-runtime-beam is present TCOMP-1330: Shade extensions don’t inherit from pluginrepositories TCOMP-1340: Tools webapp (talend-component:web) does not support changing the locale anymore TCOMP-1343: Use LogicalTypes.timestampMillis() on DATETIME for avro record builder TCOMP-1360: Renaming an option (@Option("custom")) does not work on fields of type object TCOMP-1370: ImageM2Mojo does not set timestamp in the docker image leading to component-server having a wrong lastUpdated value TCOMP-1372: Nested components don’t expose their doc deterministicly until it is overriden TCOMP-1341: Register deploy in studio task OOTB in gradle extension TCOMP-1325: Upgrade CXF to 3.3.1 TCOMP-1327: /environment iterates over deployed plugin for each call, this is not needed TCOMP-1328: Upgrade to Beam 2.11.0 TCOMP-1329: Lazy initialize parameter model to have a quicker cold start in plain main(String[]) TCOMP-1331: Use java 8u191 as base docker image TCOMP-1332: Provide a simple way to filter configurations and component on /index endpoints TCOMP-1334: Add a mojo to generate the list of components/services classes TCOMP-1335: Add in doc mojo table the type of configuration the parameter belongs to TCOMP-1336: Allow output processors to only have an @AfterGroup taking the list of record of the group in parameter TCOMP-1346: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.17 TCOMP-1347: Upgrade to Slf4j 1.7.26 TCOMP-1348: [form-core] Ensure suggestions trigger is bound to "change" event too TCOMP-1349: [form-core] When a tab is empty, don’t show it TCOMP-1350: talend.component.server.component.registry should support glob pattern TCOMP-1351: Upgrade jsoup for Spark Cluster Testing module TCOMP-1353: component-server must not use TALEND-INF/dependencies.txt but another path TCOMP-1354: Enforce services to belong to the delcaring service class TCOMP-1361: Upgrade to asciidoctorj 2.0.0-RC.1 TCOMP-1362: Beam Wrapped Components should throw shared exception types TCOMP-1366: Upgrade to XBean 4.13 to not track all classes scanned TCOMP-1371: Upgrade to Apache Geronimo OpenAPI 1.0.7 TCOMP-1307: support char and character types in configuration. TCOMP-1312: Component-form-core shouldn’t trigger validation of object due to conditional visibility (only individual fields are validable) TCOMP-1314: category field of the starter is broken TCOMP-1316: [build] Ensure snapshot use timestamped versions in dependencies.txt TCOMP-1306: Add RecordPointerFactory to enable to extract data from Record using json pointer spec TCOMP-1315: Ensure @Internationalized can use shortnames too in TCOMP-1303: Support docker configs/secrets in docker images TCOMP-1304: Vault proxy should support token configuration TCOMP-1305: Upgrade to beam 2.10.0 TCOMP-1308: Upgrade to Talend UI 2.6.0 TCOMP-1309: Upgrade to Component API 1.1.5 TCOMP-1310: Ensure there is a basic secured mecanism to store configuration data TCOMP-1317: Use Apache Geronimo Microprofile Config extensions (docker and secured string) TCOMP-1318: Upgrade to Apache Meecrowave 1.2.7 TCOMP-1319: Upgrade Apache Geronimo Metrics to 1.0.3 TCOMP-1320: Upgrade to Apache Geronimo OpenAPI 1.0.6 TCOMP-1321: Upgrade to Apache Geronimo OpenTracing 1.0.2 TCOMP-1322: Upgrade to Apache Geronimo Config 1.2.2 TCOMP-1263: When using @Updateable(after=xxx) the visibility condition (@ActiveIf) of the after field shouldn’t be inherited TCOMP-1264: AvroSchema does not unwrap null(able types) to map to Schema model TCOMP-1265: dataset / datastore cloud validation : allow nested configuration types TCOMP-1267: /documentation does not filter properly component TCOMP-1281: Add jackson-mapper-asl in docker image of the server TCOMP-1298: Support restricted lists for @Proposable TCOMP-1297: make max batch size property configurable for family and components through LocalConfiguration TCOMP-1266: Enhance starter to support dataset and datastore TCOMP-1268: Ensure /environment is not callable if not local or secured TCOMP-1269: Ensure ErrorReportValve does not leak Tomcat version OOTB TCOMP-1271: Upgrade to talend UI 2.3.0 TCOMP-1272: Move multiSelectTag to multiSelect for web environment TCOMP-1273: [build/dev plugin] Automatically open the browser for talend-component:web task/goal TCOMP-1276: Exclude xerces from component loadable resources for XMLReaderFactory TCOMP-1282: Upgrade meecrowave to 1.2.6 TCOMP-1283: Upgrade cxf to 3.3.0 TCOMP-1284: Upgrade to johnzon 1.1.11 TCOMP-1292: Provide a vault friendly integration for the server TCOMP-1293: Upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.16 TCOMP-1295: Ensure of a container are merged TCOMP-1296: Ensure user can enrich families with custom jar+configuration TCOMP-1245: Provided services (SPI) by tacokit not available TCOMP-1246: Rework docker image setup to use jib TCOMP-1247: Upgrade geronimo metrics to 1.0.2 TCOMP-1248: Upgrade to geronimo opentracing 1.0.3 TCOMP-1249: Provide segment extractor for doc endpoint TCOMP-1250: Make component documentation (@Documentation on component) i18n friendly TCOMP-1251: cache avrocoders used in SchemaRegistryCoder TCOMP-1252: Remove html support in documentation endpoint TCOMP-1253: Refine OpenAPI documentation TCOMP-1256: Add mapDescriptorToClassLoader to create a classloader from a list of gav TCOMP-1258: Support to build a Record from a provided Schema TCOMP-1259: Add getOptional to Record TCOMP-1223: byte[] not supported in AvroRecord (beam) TCOMP-1222: Ensure @WithComponents and @Environment are compatible TCOMP-1234: Upgrade to beam 2.9.0 TCOMP-1235: Upgrade to antora 2 TCOMP-1237: Upgrade component-api to 1.1.2 TCOMP-1238: Upgrade metrics and opentracing microprofile libraries in docker image to use Geronimo extensions TCOMP-1239: OpenWebBeans 2.0.9 upgrade TCOMP-1240: Johnzon 1.1.11 upgrade TCOMP-1242: Runtime validation error message wrongly interpolated TCOMP-1243: Ensure component classloader isolates the system classloader resources except for the JVM ones TCOMP-1170: [regression] http testing module pom imports netty and jsonb stack TCOMP-1181: tacokit can’t pass the long type field from ui rightly TCOMP-1187: Job DSL does not support correctly parameters when they are URI/URL TCOMP-1189: Ensure primitive are not nullable in Record model (builder) TCOMP-1191: [beam] BeamIOTransformer does not support serialization of complex objects correctly TCOMP-1192: Ensure Avro schema union is interpreted as nullable in Record Schema model TCOMP-1194: [testing] Ensure BeamEnvironment adds component-runtime-beam TCOMP-1196: Nested maven repository not used for component module TCOMP-1197: Tacokit beam tests. NPE when creating the schema with RECORD type. TCOMP-1198: Tacokit beam tests. SchemaParseException ⇒ drop unsupported characters TCOMP-1200: Packages not defined from nested repository classes TCOMP-1201: includeTransitiveDependencies option of nested-maven-repository does not work TCOMP-1202: Refine avro classloading exclusion to accept hadoop and mapred packages TCOMP-1205: Empty JSon object lead to NPE TCOMP-1209: Ensure SerializableCoder is replaced with a contextual version to support Talend Component Kit classloading model TCOMP-1210: BeamComponentExtension should let the exception go back to the caller when the transform fails TCOMP-1215: Nested maven repository in jars don’t go through transformers TCOMP-1218: Record entries order shouldn’t be sorted by the runtime TCOMP-1185: Support maxBatchSize in Job test runner for standalone mode TCOMP-1171: Remove component proxy server from the project TCOMP-1182: Ensure the property editor for the configuration registers the default converters TCOMP-1183: Upgrade JRuby to TCOMP-1184: Avoid to do a group by key in BeamExecutor (job DSL) when not needed TCOMP-1188: Tolerate null for dates in Records TCOMP-1190: Enable secure processing for DocumentBuilderFactory instances TCOMP-1193: Add injectable ContainerInfo with the containerId (plugin) in services TCOMP-1195: Enable user to extend BeamEnvironment test tempalte more easily TCOMP-1199: Nested repository not used when the classpath is not composed of a single jar TCOMP-1204: [dependency upgrade] XBean 4.12 TCOMP-1207: [beam] add ContextualSerializableCoder TCOMP-1213: Upgrade guava to v27 for testing modules TCOMP-1216: Take into account the visibility for the parameter validation TCOMP-1217: Add JVM system property for our custom object input stream TCOMP-1219: Upgrade starter to gradle 5 TCOMP-1220: Upgrade Maven to 3.6.0 in starter TCOMP-1121: [tacokit proxy] suggestion trigger creation issue TCOMP-1122: [tacokit proxy] slefRefrence filter configuration type by name, type and family TCOMP-1123: Processor component onNext duplicate columns in record for rowStructs TCOMP-1126: UiSpecService shouldn’t show the documentation by default TCOMP-1129: form core - $selfReference breaks triggers TCOMP-1130: component form - default value of maxBatchSize prop loose it type. TCOMP-1131: [beam integration] Ensure Coder is contextual (classloader) TCOMP-1132: Ensure beam custom Coders implement equals.hashCode for beam contract TCOMP-1148: Asciidoctor documentation fails for collection of objects TCOMP-1149: [testing] BeamEnvironment does not reset PipelineOptionsFactory properly for beam > 2.4 TCOMP-1155: [proxy server] arrays not supporting null values in ConfigurationFormatter TCOMP-1159: AvroSchema does not support DATETTIME type (beam module) TCOMP-1168: Avro record implementation ignores nullable/union TCOMP-1143: Ensure icons are validated and fail the build if a custom one is missing (validate mojo) TCOMP-1112: Let beam PTransform define an @ElementListener method to set the component design (inputs/outputs) TCOMP-1113: Simplify the scanning by assuming there is a TALEND-INF/dependencies.txt in components TCOMP-1120: BeamMapperImpl.isStream not accurate for UnboundedSource TCOMP-1124: Add /metrics endpoint TCOMP-1125: Extend CustomPropertyConverter to pass the convertion context TCOMP-1127: Record doesn’t support null values TCOMP-1133: CXF 3.2.7 upgrade TCOMP-1134: Ensure any input/output have a dataset TCOMP-1135: Ensure any dataset has a datastore TCOMP-1136: deprecate "generate" mojo TCOMP-1145: [dependency upgrade] Beam 2.8.0 TCOMP-1146: implement infinite=true in PartitionMapper/Input TCOMP-1150: Upgrade rat plugin to 0.13 TCOMP-1154: Required validation at runtime ignores lists and nested objects TCOMP-1157: [dependency upgrade] Tomcat 9.0.13 TCOMP-1158: Enable JUnit test collector to use a static storage instead of thread related one TCOMP-1160: Upgrade spark to 2.4.0 TCOMP-1161: Upgrade shade plugin to 3.2.1 TCOMP-1162: Upgrade nested-maven-repository shade transformers to support last maven versions TCOMP-1163: Upgrade openwebbeans to 2.0.8 TCOMP-1164: Validate mojo does not log any success information TCOMP-1165: Dependency mojo does not log any success information TCOMP-1166: Documentation mojo does not log generated files properly TCOMP-1167: Beam-Avro record name generation should use avro fingerprint to be more unique than current logic TCOMP-1086: Fix documentation about DiscoverSchema TCOMP-1064: Update action can’t receive List parameter TCOMP-1110: When a configuration has no layout and uses @AfterGroup the configuration is lost TCOMP-1111: Move to PropertyEditorRegistry from xbean instead of using the deprecated static class TCOMP-1000: @Option name value is not respected on fields TCOMP-1008: Enum order is lost TCOMP-1009: (web) OptionsOrder ignored for tables (List), fields located in random order TCOMP-1028: [tools-webapp] submit button no more functional TCOMP-1031: DiscoverSchema parameters are not correctly mapped in Studio GuessSchema runtime TCOMP-1044: Fix java.lang.ClassCastException in TableActionParameter TCOMP-1046: String option can’t set default value from a file TCOMP-1056: ActiveIf doesn’t work in advanced settings TCOMP-1072: Metadata migration issues TCOMP-1074: talend-component mvn plugin : deploy-in-studio need to rise an error when component is already installed TCOMP-1075: component reload file on windows after deploying a modified jar TCOMP-1076: component starter - fix mapper generation (Record integration) TCOMP-1077: component starter - ensure kit version are updated atomically. TCOMP-1078: Guess Schema button is not shown on Basic Settings view TCOMP-1082: Fix Exception during HealthCheck parameter deserialization TCOMP-1085: [classloader] com.sun is too wide as exclusion TCOMP-1104: Fix drag and drop issue for dataset/datastore metadata TCOMP-779: Drop down list Java type in configuration class TCOMP-819: Processor doesn’t produce more than 1 row on each iteration TCOMP-917: Migration handler need only to receive component configuration TCOMP-941: Default and init values are ignored in connection wizzard (datastore/dataset) TCOMP-968: Trigger AsyncValidation call only when option annotated with Validable is changed TCOMP-970: Add support for complex parameter types for AsyncValidation methods TCOMP-973: component migration - the configuration version need to be serialized in addition to the version of the component TCOMP-984: Integrate ParameterizedTest with component-runtime-http-junit capture mode TCOMP-988: component migration - fix nested configuration migration TCOMP-989: .car studio install command breaks config.ini of the studio TCOMP-991: metadat : ignore activations from config not being part of the form while creating metadata TCOMP-996: metadata : migration issues TCOMP-1001: [proxy] ConfigurationClient should expose a migrate method TCOMP-1011: Ensure datastore/dataset i18n names are validated by the maven/gradle plugins TCOMP-1013: Add an operator support in @ActiveIfs (OR/AND switch) TCOMP-1014: Ensure a dataset has a source which has no other required parameters in the validator TCOMP-1029: Extend ActiveIf EvaluationStrategy with CONTAINS strategy TCOMP-1063: Integrate Record API to the studio TCOMP-1069: restrict input branches for output components to only one. TCOMP-1071: support actions i18n display name TCOMP-1092: Ensure @Configuration POJO are injectable as Supplier in services TCOMP-1094: Add FullSerializationRecordCoder coder for Record in beam module TCOMP-1095: Ensure all configuration type models root entries are named "configuration" TCOMP-993: [proxy] Propagate UiSpecContext in referenceservice#findByTypeAndName TCOMP-994: [dependency upgrade] CXF 3.2.6 TCOMP-1003: [dependency upgrade] Tomcat 9.0.12 TCOMP-1004: [dependency upgrade] Log4j2 2.11.1 TCOMP-1015: Upgrade icons to 1.0.0 TCOMP-1019: (form) enum should lead to restricted datalist TCOMP-1037: [dependency upgrade] Johnzon 1.1.9 TCOMP-1038: Drop spring client from component-form-core TCOMP-1041: HttpClient should enable to process InputStream directly TCOMP-1042: Upgrade to JUnit 5.3.1 TCOMP-1045: Add documentation in metadata and enable to use it in the UI on configuration TCOMP-1047: Make Suggestable text field editable (align with web) TCOMP-1048: Add update API for configuration TCOMP-1049: Add completion support for actions displayname in intellij plugin TCOMP-1050: Provide simple OAuth1 integration TCOMP-1051: Remove brave and move to geronimo-opentracing TCOMP-1054: Introduce @Configuration API TCOMP-1055: remove the ExecutionResource TCOMP-1057: Add ActiveIf on @Proposable test-case TCOMP-1058: Add DefaultValue on proposable/dynamicValue testcase TCOMP-1059: Rework generic record format TCOMP-1073: [maven/gradle plugin] Add configuration support in web goal TCOMP-1079: Document new Record structure TCOMP-1080: [dependency upgrade] Meecrowave 1.2.4 TCOMP-1081: ComponentManager should ignore engine classes in its filtering TCOMP-1087: Jsonb service should serialize byte[] as BASE64 TCOMP-1089: [starter] Upgrade gradle to 4.10.2 TCOMP-1090: [form] Main/Advanced order not respected when some remote action are involved TCOMP-1091: Ensure main component is preferred over test ones in a maven project TCOMP-1093: [dependency upgrade] netty 4.1.30.Final for junit http testing module TCOMP-1096: [dependency upgrade] xbean 4.10 TCOMP-1097: [dependency upgrade] Beam 2.7.0 TCOMP-1099: Upgrade web ui bundle to 1.0.2 TCOMP-1101: Add conditional rendering in the generated documentation TCOMP-1102: Reflect in documentation that Validable/AsyncValidation doesn’t support Object types TCOMP-1106: Enable to generate the component documentation in multiple languages TCOMP-1107: ConfigurableClassLoader does not priviledges container classloader for getResourceAsStream TCOMP-877: [documentation] Sample implementation of bulk/batch/commit-interval using groups TCOMP-980: Provide a ValidationService in server-proxy TCOMP-985: Align docker git metada on out Standard TCOMP-998: [dependency upgrade] Apache Commons Compress 1.18 TCOMP-911: Suggestions callback doesn’t support Configuration parameters TCOMP-921: String cannot be cast to Boolean when adding table with checkboxes TCOMP-922: component manager : support loading dependencies from job lib folder. TCOMP-924: component-kit.js errors are not sent to the error handler TCOMP-927: talend-component:web errors are not always unwrapped and understandable TCOMP-934: Ensure Studio rely on category and doesn’t append family name TCOMP-960: Suggestions parameters are not correctly resolved in Studio TCOMP-961: Default value of Suggestions method parameter is ignored TCOMP-964: ClassCastException is thrown when non-string values are used as Suggestions method parameter TCOMP-825: Provide component server proxy TCOMP-928: Add negate and evaluation strategy to @ActiveIf TCOMP-929: Ensure category contains the family TCOMP-816: Check migration feature and implement missing use-cases TCOMP-918: create a mvn bom with tacokit stack to keep some dependencies aligned between component-runtime and it’s studio integration TCOMP-932: Avoid Kafka recursive logging for component server TCOMP-933: Drop component-kit.js module TCOMP-935: Component server should log application and service in kafka mode TCOMP-938: Add a builtin::http trigger in the server proxy TCOMP-939: Ensure the proxy server can lookup references with a SPI TCOMP-943: (web) Grand parent references for triggers not well resolved TCOMP-944: (proxy server) Ensure the trigger are well resolved for references TCOMP-947: (maven/gradle) ensure web task logs there is a UI TCOMP-953: Upgrade to ziplock 7.0.5 TCOMP-954: Upgrade netty to 4.1.28.Final for the test stack TCOMP-958: Componentvalidator error message in case of an unsupported type is misleading TCOMP-959: [dependency upgrade] Upgrade to icon bundle 0.202.0 TCOMP-962: .car deploy-in-studio command (CarMain) should support to override an existing version TCOMP-965: [dependency upgrade] Apache Beam 2.6.0 TCOMP-966: Ensure Studio integration renames HTTP threads to identify them more explicitly TCOMP-967: Ensure parameter index is in metadata for services and constructors TCOMP-919: Starter doesn’t synchronize correctly with central versions TCOMP-920: Use Meecrowave 1.2.3 TCOMP-888: Designer pipeline records counter are wrong for tacokit components with multiples outputs TCOMP-899: Update Beam 2.5.0 compatibility TCOMP-903: [tacokit studio integration] - Guess schema - better handling of number types recognition TCOMP-904: [tacokit studio integration] - fix job classpath generation TCOMP-913: Fix absolute path resolution for child of child use-case TCOMP-900: [tacokit studio integration] - Handle conditional outputs TCOMP-898: Ensure starter will be able to auto update its versions to avoid redeployments TCOMP-905: Enrich scanning exclusion set TCOMP-906: Minimalist JsonObject to IndexeredRecord utilities for beam TCOMP-907: Support maxBatchSize as in the studio in Beam TCOMP-910: Add maxbatchsize as built in parameter to Processor meta model TCOMP-915: Upgrade Apache Meecrowave to 1.2.2 TCOMP-822: [Windows] deploy-in-studio & car copy jar command in mvn plugin - don’t work if the studio is running TCOMP-844: Service default method forwarded to interface method instead of implementation one if exists TCOMP-848: [junit5] implicit mock collector and emitter are not resetted per method TCOMP-851: [form] UiSchema shouldn’t have a JsonSchema TCOMP-858: @OptionsOrder not respected by form-core TCOMP-862: [form-core] ".." path is not correctly resolved TCOMP-863: Job DSL doesn’t support multiple outputs TCOMP-873: Fix shade junit-http module : remove shaded dependencies from generated artifact TCOMP-889: [form] arrays are lost in trigger paths TCOMP-890: Merge the component outputs (by name) from @AfterGroup and @ElementListener TCOMP-893: Don’t log a warning for services when parameters don’t have i18n support TCOMP-834: Ensure that component has only one configuration argument. TCOMP-845: [junit] ComponentsHandler misses findService TCOMP-846: [junit] allow to inject current plugin services in test class TCOMP-847: Support gzip in JUnit HTTP tooling TCOMP-849: [junit http] support to match the request payload TCOMP-850: MavenDecrypter should tolerate ${} syntax TCOMP-861: Ensure Car Mojo can be skipped TCOMP-887: [studio] add chunk size advanced common param for processors & output TCOMP-892: Validate runtime configuration before executing the runtime TCOMP-829: Configuration Type tree is not correctly computed TCOMP-830: Move all configuration to Microprofile Config instead of DeltaSpike TCOMP-832: Provide a way to access lastUpdatedTimestamp in rest api TCOMP-833: Upgrade gradle+maven for the starter TCOMP-839: Add an API to load lazily the potential values of a list TCOMP-840: Upgrade icon bundle to 0.190.2 TCOMP-841: Add validation of option names in the validator TCOMP-852: [dependency upgrade] Upgrade shrinkwrap-resolver-impl-maven to 3.1.3 TCOMP-855: Support service injections in services TCOMP-856: [dependency upgrade] OpenWebBeans 2.0.6 TCOMP-857: SimpleCollector must not depend on junit 4 TCOMP-864: Mojo should be thread safe for car/dependencies.txt generation TCOMP-867: Expose Injector service TCOMP-868: Create an ObjectFactory service TCOMP-869: Ensure actions can get injected the requested lang TCOMP-870: Provide Beam DoFn to simplify the migration from IndexedRecord to JsonObject TCOMP-876: Allow custom converters in form-core TCOMP-878: Add beam in the docker image OOTB TCOMP-879: CarMojo doesn’t use car extension to attach the artifact TCOMP-880: [dependency upgrade] Maven 3.5.4 TCOMP-881: [dependency upgrade] CXF 3.2.5 TCOMP-882: [dependency upgrade] Tomcat 9.0.10 TCOMP-883: [dependency upgrade] Beam 2.5.0 TCOMP-884: [dependency upgrade] Upgrade to icon bundle 0.197.0 TCOMP-894: [dependency upgrade] Johnzon 1.1.8 TCOMP-895: [dependency upgrade] xbean 4.9 TCOMP-827: Fix Automatic-Module-Name TCOMP-811: Upgrade to tomcat 9.0.8 TCOMP-826: Extract component model from component server to a new artifact TCOMP-763: Add a dev mode in the studio for tacokit TCOMP-802: Add method to upload dependencies from .car to nexus TCOMP-808: Upgrade to JUnit 5.2.0 TCOMP-809: compress js and css for the starter TCOMP-810: ui spec service uses a multiselecttag for a proposable on a string field TCOMP-804: Idea plugin doesn’t render properly configuration inputs TCOMP-798: intellij plugin - add official starter url TCOMP-799: @Checkable expects the datastore name to match the validation name TCOMP-806: Ensure server and starter support gzip TCOMP-643: Deployment TCOMP-770: Removing component from web UI causes wrong number of components in summary TCOMP-775: Starter - Fix properties keys generation TCOMP-776: component-kit.js ignore credentials TCOMP-783: ActiveIfs doesn’t make option visible TCOMP-796: Datastore check (@Checkable) should default meta parameters to "datastore" if none is found TCOMP-773: Extend the http client api to handle more generic use cases TCOMP-771: ConfigurableClassLoader should skip scala.* classes TCOMP-772: Upgrade icon set to ui/icons 0.179.0 TCOMP-774: Upgrade xbean to 4.8 TCOMP-768: More tolerance of configuration prefix for implicit migration of configuration node in form core library TCOMP-756: Setup maven clirr plugin for component-api +testing TCOMP-762: Starter should only propose a single category level in the ui TCOMP-767: Ensure the configurationtype endpoints have matching name/path values TCOMP-761: Merge component-runtime-manager and component-runtime-standalone TCOMP-764: Clean up component-form-core dependencies TCOMP-765: Upgrade to batik 1.9.1 TCOMP-752: Fix Advanced settings and Test connection button appearance in repository wizard TCOMP-757: Duplicate method name "writeReplace" with signature "()Ljava.lang.Object;" in class file TCOMP-751: Support gzip compression on component-server TCOMP-753: Make classpath scanning to find component configurable TCOMP-758: Support component-server server configuration from system properties TCOMP-759: Enum must be i18n TCOMP-738: Component Server should respect ~/.m2/settings.xml local repository if it exists TCOMP-739: SerializationTransformer shouldn’t use ComponentManager to avoid ClassNotFoundException TCOMP-740: UISpecService should be reactive and use a CompletionStage based API TCOMP-741: UISpecService configuration support TCOMP-742: Configuration Type properties should be rooted TCOMP-744: Ensure wrapped BeamIO uses the right TCCL TCOMP-745: [Dependency Upgrade] CXF 3.2.4 TCOMP-746: [Dependency Upgrade] Tomcat 9.0.6 TCOMP-747: [Dependency Upgrade] Log4j2 2.11.0 TCOMP-748: Make configurationtype index endpoint lighter OOTB TCOMP-749: Intellij Idea plugin TCOMP-750: Unify @Pattern using javascript regex instead of a mixed mode TCOMP-734: Add support for context and globalMap values in Tacokit component settings TCOMP-733: support to use a beam pipeline under the hood for beam components in di TCOMP-693: Integrate Migration API TCOMP-737: upgrade to beam 2.4.0 TCOMP-731: Configuration Type migration handler skipped TCOMP-725: MavenDecrypter doesn’t support comments in settings.xml TCOMP-726: When a component is not found the error message can be misleading TCOMP-728: Http client doesn’t ignore empty query parameters TCOMP-722: WebSocket connection fails with a NPE when the endpoint doesn’t exists TCOMP-723: Adding configurationByExample utility to create query string for Job DSL TCOMP-724: Documentation endpoint doesn’t support HTML TCOMP-446: Support Embedded Documentation TCOMP-650: Ensure component can be executed in beam pipelines TCOMP-651: Ensure beam components can be wrapped and used through the Talend Component Kit Framework TCOMP-653: Web Form metamodel service TCOMP-655: Catalog service TCOMP-656: UISpec compatibility TCOMP-658: Add test Source/Sink collectors in JUnit integration TCOMP-659: Basic job builder API to simplify JUnit tests TCOMP-662: Validation Mojo TCOMP-664: Local testing server for dev TCOMP-675: Select a communication solution for Talend Component Kit server TCOMP-680: Register components into the Studio Palette TCOMP-681: Studio parameters form integration TCOMP-682: Studio Metadata integration TCOMP-683: Studio Runtime integration TCOMP-691: Create context menu for Tacokit node in repository panel TCOMP-719: Support Input Definition TCOMP-720: Support Output Definition TCOMP-721: Initial Widget Definitions

Talend Input component for Hazelcast  Example of input component implementation with Talend Component Kit   tutorial example partition mapper producer source hazelcast distributed

This tutorial walks you through the creation, from scratch, of a complete Talend input component for Hazelcast using the Talend Component Kit (TCK) framework. Hazelcast is an in-memory distributed system that can store data, which makes it a good example of input component for distributed systems. This is enough for you to get started with this tutorial, but you can find more information about it here: A TCK project is a simple Java project with specific configurations and dependencies. You can choose your preferred build tool from Maven or Gradle as TCK supports both. In this tutorial, Maven is used. The first step consists in generating the project structure using Talend Starter Toolkit . Go to and fill in the project information as shown in the screenshots below, then click Finish and Download as ZIP. image::tutorial_hazelcast_generateproject_1.png[] image::tutorial_hazelcast_generateproject_2.png[] Extract the ZIP file into your workspace and import it to your preferred IDE. This tutorial uses Intellij IDE, but you can use Eclipse or any other IDE that you are comfortable with. You can use the Starter Toolkit to define the full configuration of the component, but in this tutorial some parts are configured manually to explain key concepts of TCK. The generated pom.xml file of the project looks as follows: Change the name tag to a more relevant value, for example: Component Hazelcast. The component-api dependency provides the necessary API to develop the components. talend-component-maven-plugin provides build and validation tools for the component development. The Java compiler also needs a Talend specific configuration for the components to work correctly. The most important is the -parameters option that preserves the parameter names needed for introspection features that TCK relies on. Download the mvn dependencies declared in the pom.xml file: You should get a BUILD SUCCESS at this point: Create the project structure: Create the component Java packages. Packages are mandatory in the component model and you cannot use the default one (no package). It is recommended to create a unique package per component to be able to reuse it as dependency in other components, for example to guarantee isolation while writing unit tests. The project is now correctly set up. The next steps consist in registering the component family and setting up some properties. Registering every component family allows the component server to properly load the components and to ensure they are available in Talend Studio. The family registration happens via a file that you have to create. Move to the src/main/java/org/talend/components/hazelcast package and create a file: @Components: Declares the family name and the categories to which the component belongs. @Icon: Defines the component family icon. This icon is visible in the Studio metadata tree. Talend Component Kit supports internationalization (i18n) via Java properties files. Using these files, you can customize and translate the display name of properties such as the name of a component family or, as shown later in this tutorial, labels displayed in the component configuration. Go to src/main/resources/org/talend/components/hazelcast and create an i18n file as below: You can define the component family icon in the file. The icon image must exist in the resources/icons folder. TCK supports both SVG and PNG formats for the icons. Create the icons folder and add an icon image for the Hazelcast family. This tutorial uses the Hazelcast icon from the official GitHub repository that you can get from: Download the image and rename it to Hazelcast_icon32.png. The name syntax is important and should match _icon.32.png. The component registration is now complete. The next step consists in defining the component configuration. All Input and Output (I/O) components follow a predefined model of configuration. The configuration requires two parts: Datastore: Defines all properties that let the component connect to the targeted system. Dataset: Defines the data to be read or written from/to the targeted system. Connecting to the Hazelcast cluster requires the IP address, group name and password of the targeted cluster. In the component, the datastore is represented by a simple POJO. Create a class file in the src/main/java/org/talend/components/hazelcast folder. Define the i18n properties of the datastore. In the file let add the following lines: The Hazelcast datastore is now defined. Hazelcast includes different types of datastores. You can manipulate maps, lists, sets, caches, locks, queues, topics and so on. This tutorial focuses on maps but still applies to the other data structures. Reading/writing from a map requires the map name. Create the dataset class by creating a file in src/main/java/org/talend/components/hazelcast. The @Dataset annotation marks the class as a dataset. Note that it also references a datastore, as required by the components model. Just how it was done for the datastore, define the i18n properties of the dataset. To do that, add the following lines to the file. The component configuration is now ready. The next step consists in creating the Source that will read the data from the Hazelcast map. The Source is the class responsible for reading the data from the configured dataset. A source gets the configuration instance injected by TCK at runtime and uses it to connect to the targeted system and read the data. Create a new class as follows. The source also needs i18n properties to provide a readable display name. Add the following line to the file. At this point, it is already possible to see the result in the Talend Component Web Tester to check how the configuration looks like and validate the layout visually. To do that, execute the following command in the project folder. This command starts the Component Web Tester and deploys the component there. Access localhost:8080/. The source is set up. It is now time to start creating some Hazelcast specific code to connect to a cluster and read values for a map. Add the hazelcast-client Maven dependency to the pom.xml of the project, in the dependencies node. Add a Hazelcast instance to the @PostConstruct method. Declare a HazelcastInstance attribute in the source class. Any non-serializable attribute needs to be marked as transient to avoid serialization issues. Implement the post construct method. The component configuration is mapped to the Hazelcast client configuration to create a Hazelcast instance. This instance will be used later to get the map from its name and read the map data. Only the required configuration in the component is exposed to keep the code as simple as possible. Implement the code responsible for reading the data from the Hazelcast map through the Producer method. The Producer implements the following logic: Check if the map iterator is already initialized. If not, get the map from its name and initialize the map iterator. This is done in the @Producer method to ensure the map is initialized only if the next() method is called (lazy initialization). It also avoids the map initialization in the PostConstruct method as the Hazelcast map is not serializable. All the objects initialized in the PostConstruct method need to be serializable as the source can be serialized and sent to another worker in a distributed cluster. From the map, create an iterator on the map keys that will read from the map. Transform every key/value pair into a Talend Record with a "key, value" object on every call to next(). The RecordBuilderFactory class used above is a built-in service in TCK injected via the Source constructor. This service is a factory to create Talend Records. Now, the next() method will produce a Record every time it is called. The method will return "null" if there is no more data in the map. Implement the @PreDestroy annotated method, responsible for releasing all resources used by the Source. The method needs to shut the Hazelcast client instance down to release any connection between the component and the Hazelcast cluster. The Hazelcast Source is completed. The next section shows how to write a simple unit test to check that it works properly. TCK provides a set of APIs and tools that makes the testing straightforward. The test of the Hazelcast Source consists in creating an embedded Hazelcast instance with only one member and initializing it with some data, and then in creating a test Job to read the data from it using the implemented Source. Add the required Maven test dependencies to the project. Initialize a Hazelcast test instance and create a map with some test data. To do that, create the test class in the src/test/java folder. Create the folder if it does not exist. The above example creates a Hazelcast instance for the test and creates the MY-DISTRIBUTED-MAP map. The getMap creates the map if it does not already exist. Some keys and values uses in the test are added. Then, a simple test checks that the data is correctly initialized. Finally, the Hazelcast test instance is shut down. Run the test and check in the logs that a Hazelcast cluster of one member has been created and that the test has passed. To be able to test components, TCK provides the @WithComponents annotation which enables component testing. Add this annotation to the test. The annotation takes the component Java package as a value parameter. Create the test Job that configures the Hazelcast instance and link it to an output that collects the data produced by the Source. Execute the unit test and check that it passes, meaning that the Source is reading the data correctly from Hazelcast. The Source is now completed and tested. The next section shows how to implement the Partition Mapper for the Source. In this case, the Partition Mapper will split the work (data reading) between the available cluster members to distribute the workload. The Partition Mapper calculates the number of Sources that can be created and executed in parallel on the available workers of a distributed system. For Hazelcast, it corresponds to the cluster member count. To fully illustrate this concept, this section also shows how to enhance the test environment to add more Hazelcast cluster members and initialize it with more data. Instantiate more Hazelcast instances, as every Hazelcast instance corresponds to one member in a cluster. In the test, it is reflected as follows: The above code sample creates two Hazelcast instances, leading to the creation of two Hazelcast members. Having a cluster of two members (nodes) will allow to distribute the data. The above code also adds more data to the test map and updates the shutdown method and the test. Run the test on the multi-nodes cluster. The Source is a simple implementation that does not distribute the workload and reads the data in a classic way, without distributing the read action to different cluster members. Start implementing the Partition Mapper class by creating a class file. When coupling a Partition Mapper with a Source, the Partition Mapper becomes responsible for injecting parameters and creating source instances. This way, all the attribute initialization part moves from the Source to the Partition Mapper class. The configuration also sets an instance name to make it easy to find the client instance in the logs or while debugging. The Partition Mapper class is composed of the following: constructor: Handles configuration and service injections Assessor: This annotation indicates that the method is responsible for assessing the dataset size. The underlying runner uses the estimated dataset size to compute the optimal bundle size to distribute the workload efficiently. Split: This annotation indicates that the method is responsible for creating Partition Mapper instances based on the bundle size requested by the underlying runner and the size of the dataset. It creates as much partitions as possible to parallelize and distribute the workload efficiently on the available workers (known as members in the Hazelcast case). Emitter: This annotation indicates that the method is responsible for creating the Source instance with an adapted configuration allowing to handle the amount of records it will produce and the required services. I adapts the configuration to let the Source read only the requested bundle of data. The Assessor method computes the memory size of every member of the cluster. Implementing it requires submitting a calculation task to the members through a serializable task that is aware of the Hazelcast instance. Create the serializable task. The purpose of this class is to submit any task to the Hazelcast cluster. Use the created task to estimate the dataset size in the Assessor method. The Assessor method calculates the memory size that the map occupies for all members. In Hazelcast, distributing a task to all members can be achieved using an execution service initialized in the getExecutorService() method. The size of the map is requested on every available member. By summing up the results, the total size of the map in the distributed cluster is computed. The Split method calculates the heap size of the map on every member of the cluster. Then, it calculates how many members a source can handle. If a member contains less data than the requested bundle size, the method tries to combine it with another member. That combination can only happen if the combined data size is still less or equal to the requested bundle size. The following code illustrates the logic described above. The next step consists in adapting the source to take the Split into account. The following sample shows how to adapt the Source to the Split carried out previously. The next method reads the data from the members received from the Partition Mapper. A Big Data runner like Spark will get multiple Source instances. Every source instance will be responsible for reading data from a specific set of members already calculated by the Partition Mapper. The data is fetched only when the next method is called. This logic allows to stream the data from members without loading it all into the memory. Implement the method annotated with @Emitter in the HazelcastPartitionMapper class. The createSource() method creates the source instance and passes the required services and the selected Hazelcast members to the source instance. Run the test and check that it works as intended. The component implementation is now done. It is able to read data and to distribute the workload to available members in a Big Data execution environment. Refactor the component by introducing a service to make some pieces of code reusable and avoid code duplication. Refactor the Hazelcast instance creation into a service. Inject this service to the Partition Mapper to reuse it. Adapt the Source class to reuse the service. Run the test one last time to ensure everything still works as expected. Thank you for following this tutorial. Use the logic and approach presented here to create any input component for any system.

Implementing an Output component for Hazelcast  Example of output component implementation with Talend Component Kit   tutorial example output processor hazelcast

This tutorial is the continuation of Talend Input component for Hazelcast tutorial. We will not walk through the project creation again, So please start from there before taking this one. This tutorial shows how to create a complete working output component for Hazelcast As seen before, in Hazelcast there is multiple data source type. You can find queues, topics, cache, maps… In this tutorials we will stick with the Map dataset and all what we will see here is applicable to the other types. Let’s assume that our Hazelcast output component will be responsible of inserting data into a distributed Map. For that, we will need to know which attribute from the incoming data is to be used as a key in the map. The value will be the hole record encoded into a json format. Bu that in mind, we can design our output configuration as: the same Datastore and Dataset from the input component and an additional configuration that will define the key attribute. Let’s create our Output configuration class. Let’s add the i18n properties of our configuration into the file The skeleton of the output component looks as follows: @Version annotation indicates the version of the component. It is used to migrate the component configuration if needed. @Icon annotation indicates the icon of the component. Here, the icon is a custom icon that needs to be bundled in the component JAR under resources/icons. @Processor annotation indicates that this class is the processor (output) and defines the name of the component. constructor of the processor is responsible for injecting the component configuration and services. Configuration parameters are annotated with @Option. The other parameters are considered as services and are injected by the component framework. Services can be local (class annotated with @Service) or provided by the component framework. The method annotated with @PostConstruct is executed once by instance and can be used for initialization. The method annotated with @PreDestroy is used to clean resources at the end of the execution of the output. Data is passed to the method annotated with @ElementListener. That method is responsible for handling the data output. You can define all the related logic in this method. If you need to bulk write the updates accordingly to groups, see Processors and batch processing. Now, we will need to add the display name of the Output to the i18n resources file Let’s implement all of those methods We will create the outpu contructor to inject the component configuration and some additional local and built in services. Built in services are services provided by TCK. Here we find: configuration is the component configuration class hazelcastService is the service that we have implemented in the input component tutorial. it will be responsible of creating a hazelcast client instance. jsonb is a built in service provided by tck to handle json object serialization and deserialization. We will use it to convert the incoming record to json format before inseting them into the map. Nothing to do in the post construct method. but we could for example initialize a hazle cast instance there. but we will do it in a lazy way on the first call in the @ElementListener method Shut down the Hazelcast client instance and thus free the Hazelcast map reference. We get the key attribute from the incoming record and then convert the hole record to a json string. Then we insert the key/value into the hazelcast map. Let’s create a unit test for our output component. The idea will be to create a job that will insert the data using this output implementation. So, let’s create out test class. Here we start by creating a hazelcast test instance, and we initialize the map. we also shutdown the instance after all the test are executed. Now let’s create our output test. Here we start preparing the emitter test component provided bt TCK that we use in our test job to generate random data for our output. Then, we use the output component to fill the hazelcast map. By the end we test that the map contains the exact amount of data inserted by the job. Run the test and check that it’s working. Congratulation you just finished your output component.