Talend Component Appendix

ContainerManager or the classloader manager$

The entry point of the API is the ContainerManager, it will enable you to define what is the Shared classloader and to create children:

try (final ContainerManager manager = new ContainerManager( (1)
    ContainerManager.DependenciesResolutionConfiguration.builder() (2)
        .resolver(new MvnDependencyListLocalRepositoryResolver("META-INF/talend/dependencies.list"))
        .rootRepositoryLocation(new File(System.getProperty("user.home", ".m2/repository"))
    ContainerManager.ClassLoaderConfiguration.builder() (3)
        .classesFilter(name -> true)
        .parentClassesFilter(name -> true)
        .create())) {

    // create plugins

1 the ContainerManager is an AutoCloseable so you can use it in a try/finally block if desired. NOTE: it is recommended to keep it running if you can reuse plugins to avoid to recreate classloaders and to mutualize them. This manager has two main configuration entries: how to resolve dependencies for plugins from the plugin file/location and how to configure the classloaders (what is the parent classloader, how to handle the parent first/last delegation etc…​).
2 the DependenciesResolutionConfiguration enables to pass a custom Resolver which will be used to build the plugin classloaders. For now the library only provides MvnDependencyListLocalRepositoryResolver which will read the output of mvn dependencies:list put in the plugin jar and will resolve from a local maven repository the dependencies. Note that SNAPSHOT are only resolved based on their name and not from metadata (only useful in development). To continue the comparison to a Servlet server, you can easily implement an unpacked war resolver if you want.
3 the ClassLoaderConfiguration is configuring how the whole container/plugin pair will behave: what is the shared classloader?, which classes are loaded from the shared loader first (intended to be used for API which shouldn’t be loaded from the plugin loader), which classes are loaded from the parent classloader (useful to exclude to load a "common" library from the parent classloader for instance, can be neat for guava, commons-lang3 etc…​).

Once you have a manager you can create plugins:

final Container plugin1 = manager.create( (1)
    "plugin-id", (2)
    new File("/plugin/myplugin1.jar")); (3)
1 to create a plugin Container just use the create method of the manager
2 you can give an explicit id to the plugin (or if you bypass it, the manager will use the jar name)
3 you specify the plugin root jar

To create the plugin container, the Resolver will resolve the dependencies needed for the plugin, then the manager will create the plugin classloader and register the plugin Container.

Listener for plugin registration$

It is common to need to do some actions when a plugin is registered/unregistered. For that purpose ContainerListener can be used:

public class MyListener implements ContainerListener {
    public void onCreate(final Container container) {
        System.out.println("Container #" + container.getId() + " started.");

    public void onClose(final Container container) {
        System.out.println("Container #" + container.getId() + " stopped.");

They are registered on the manager directly:

final ContainerManager manager = getContainerManager();
final ContainerListener myListener = new MyListener();

manager.registerListener(myListener); (1)
// do something
manager.unregisterListener(myListener); (2)
1 registerListener is used to add the listener from now on, it will not get any event for already created containers.
2 you can remove a listener with unregisterListener at any time.