Installing components from a CAR file

Components built using Talend Component Kit can be shared as component archives (.car). These CAR files are executable files allowing to easily deploy the components it contains to any compatible version of Talend Studio.

Component developers can generate .car files from their projects to share their components and make them available for other users, as detailed in this document.

This document assumes that you have a component archive (.car) file and need to deploy it to Talend Studio.

This CAR is executable and exposes the studio-deploy command which takes a Talend Studio home path as parameter. When executed, it installs the dependencies into the Studio and registers the component in your instance. For example:

# for a studio
java -jar studio-deploy /path/to/my/studio
java -jar studio-deploy --location /path/to/my/studio

# for a m2 provisioning
java -jar maven-deploy /path/to/.m2/repository
java -jar maven-deploy --location /path/to/.m2/repository

You can also upload the dependencies to your Nexus server using the following command:

java -jar deploy-to-nexus --url <nexus url> --repo <repository name> --user <username> --pass <password> --threads <parallel threads number> --dir <temp directory>

In this command, Nexus URL and repository name are mandatory arguments. All other arguments are optional. If arguments contain spaces or special symbols, you need to quote the whole value of the argument. For example:

--pass "Y0u will \ not G4iess i' ^"
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