Singer Java


singer-java module provide a Java API to write a custom singer.

To import it, add the following dependency:


Then you have access to the Singer class and its companion which provides the primitives to output properly the data:

// args are the standard singer arguments (--config, --state, --catalog)
final SingerArgs args = new SingerArgs(cliArgs);

// you can read the config, state, catalog from there
// to init your tap before writing the output with singer

final Singer = new Singer(new IO(), ZonedDateTime::now);
singer.writeSchema("test_stream", schema, keys, bookmarks);
singer.writeRecord("test_stream", json);

To build schema, keys, bookmarks, json and state which are all either JsonObject or JsonArray you can rely on JsonBuilderFactory which can be instantiated with this snippet:

final JsonBuilderFactory builderFactory = Json.createBuilderFactory(emptyMap());


component-kitap is the name of the integration between singer-java and Talend Component Kit. It enables to run native Talend Component Kit components through a tap.


The module relies on a proper setup of the component and classpath:

  1. Classpath is well setup - composed of component-kitap with a default SLF4J binding configured to log only errors on stderr. For convenience, you can use the all in one bundle provided by the module: org.talend.sdk.component:component-kitapp:${kit.version}:fatjar.

  2. Component is "deployed" - i.e. its maven repository is set provisionned with its dependencies. If you downloaded a component as a .car then you can run the car to do it. You can enforce the maven location through the system property talend.component.manager.m2.repository.

  3. Regarding SLF4J, the fatjar uses slf4j-standard of the framework which enables to set the logged level to error through a system property: -Dorg.talend.sdk.component.slf4j.StdLogger.level=err.

  4. To automatically register a component plugin/family you must add to the classpath a TALEND-INF/ The file only need to contain the registration of the plugin jar:

# key is generally the artifactId and value the Maven GAV (GroupId:ArtifactId:Version)
myplugin = org.superbiz:myplugin:1.2.3

Therefore the launch command can look like:

java \
  -Dorg.talend.sdk.component.slf4j.StdLogger.level=error \
  -Dtalend.component.manager.m2.repository=/path/to/m2 \
  -cp component-kitap-$KIT_VERSION-fatjar.jar:/path/containing/TALEND_INF_folder \
  org.talend.sdk.component.singer.kitap.Kitap \
  --config config.json [--discover] [--catalog catalog.json] [--state state.json]

Alternatively you can use org.talend.sdk.component.singer.kitap.Carpates main to launch the application, it differs from Kitap in the sense it takes a .car as option and avoids to pre-build the m2 repository:

java \
  -jar component-kitap-$KIT_VERSION-fatjar.jar \
  --component-archive /path/to/ \
  [--work-dir /path/to/work/dir/or/default/to/tmp] \
  --config config.json [--discover] [--catalog catalog.json] [--state state.json]

Here is an example with a real component:

java -jar component-kitap-$KIT_VERSION-fatjar.jar \
  --component-archive /opt/talend/components/ \
  --work-dir /opt/talend/works/test \
  --config config.json


The config.json must respect this format:

  "component": {
    "family": " name....",
    "name": ".....component name....",
    "version": 1,
    "configuration": {
      // component configuration (key/values) as stored by dataset/catalog/pipeline-designer
in some environment, such a JSON is not desirable, it is possible to put component_config attribute as a string containing the full json (escaped indeed) too.
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