Testing components

Testing best practices

This section mainly concerns tools that can be used with JUnit. You can use most of these best practices with TestNG as well.

Parameterized tests

Parameterized tests are a great solution to repeat the same test multiple times. This method of testing requires defining a test scenario (I test function F) and making the input/output data dynamic.

JUnit 4

Here is a test example, which validates a connection URI using ConnectionService:

public class MyConnectionURITest {
    public void checkMySQL() {
        assertTrue(new ConnectionService().isValid("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql"));

    public void checkOracle() {
        assertTrue(new ConnectionService().isValid("jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myhost:1521/oracle"));

The testing method is always the same. Only values are changing. It can therefore be rewritten using JUnit Parameterized runner, as follows:

@RunWith(Parameterized.class) (1)
public class MyConnectionURITest {

    @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}") (2)
    public static Iterable<String> uris() { (3)
        return asList(

    @Parameterized.Parameter (4)
    public String uri;

    public void isValid() { (5)
1 Parameterized is the runner that understands @Parameters and how to use it. If needed, you can generate random data here.
2 By default the name of the executed test is the index of the data. Here, it is customized using the first toString() parameter value to have something more readable.
3 The @Parameters method must be static and return an array or iterable of the data used by the tests.
4 You can then inject the current data using the @Parameter annotation. It can take a parameter if you use an array of array instead of an iterable of object in @Parameterized. You can select which item you want to inject.
5 The @Test method is executed using the contextual data. In this sample, it gets executed twice with the two specified URIs.
You don’t have to define a single @Test method. If you define multiple methods, each of them is executed with all the data. For example, if another test is added to the previous example, four tests are executed - 2 per data).

JUnit 5

With JUnit 5, parameterized tests are easier to use. The full documentation is available at junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-parameterized-tests.

The main difference with JUnit 4 is that you can also define inline that the test method is a parameterized test as well as the values to use:

@ValueSource(strings = { "racecar", "radar", "able was I ere I saw elba" })
void mytest(String currentValue) {
    // do test

However, you can still use the previous behavior with a method binding configuration:

void mytest(String currentValue) {
    // do test

static Stream<String> stringProvider() {
    return Stream.of("foo", "bar");

This last option allows you to inject any type of value - not only primitives - which is common to define scenarios.

Add the junit-jupiter-params dependency to benefit from this feature.



component-runtime-junit is a test library that allows you to validate simple logic based on the Talend Component Kit tooling.

To import it, add the following dependency to your project:


This dependency also provides mocked components that you can use with your own component to create tests.

The mocked components are provided under the test family:

  • emitter : a mock of an input component

  • collector : a mock of an output component

JUnit 4

You can define a standard JUnit test and use the SimpleComponentRule rule:

public class MyComponentTest {

    @Rule (1)
    public final SimpleComponentRule components = new SimpleComponentRule("org.talend.sdk.component.mycomponent");

    public void produce() {
        Job.components() (2)
             .component("collector", "test://collector")

        final List<MyRecord> records = components.getCollectedData(MyRecord.class); (3)
        doAssertRecords(records); // depending your test
1 The rule creates a component manager and provides two mock components: an emitter and a collector. Set the root package of your component to enable it.
2 Define any chain that you want to test. It generally uses the mock as source or collector.
3 Validate your component behavior. For a source, you can assert that the right records were emitted in the mock collect.
The rule can also be defined as a @ClassRule to start it once per class and not per test as with @Rule.

To go further, you can add the ServiceInjectionRule rule, which allows to inject all the component family services into the test class by marking test class fields with @InjectService:

public class SimpleComponentRuleTest {

    public static final SimpleComponentRule COMPONENT_FACTORY = new SimpleComponentRule("...");

    @Rule (1)
    public final ServiceInjectionRule injections = new ServiceInjectionRule(COMPONENT_FACTORY, this); (2)

    @Service (3)
    private LocalConfiguration configuration;

    private Jsonb jsonb;

    public void test() {
        // ...
1 The injection requires the test instance, so it must be a @Rule rather than a @ClassRule.
2 The ComponentsController is passed to the rule, which for JUnit 4 is the SimpleComponentRule, as well as the test instance to inject services in.
3 All service fields are marked with @Service to let the rule inject them before the test is ran.

JUnit 5

The JUnit 5 integration is very similar to JUnit 4, except that it uses the JUnit 5 extension mechanism.

The entry point is the @WithComponents annotation that you add to your test class, and which takes the component package you want to test. You can use @Injected to inject an instance of ComponentsHandler - which exposes the same utilities than the JUnit 4 rule - in a test class field :

@WithComponents("org.talend.sdk.component.junit.component") (1)
public class ComponentExtensionTest {
    @Injected (2)
    private ComponentsHandler handler;

    public void manualMapper() {
        final Mapper mapper = handler.createMapper(Source.class, new Source.Config() {

                values = asList("a", "b");
        final Input input = mapper.create();
        assertEquals("a", input.next());
        assertEquals("b", input.next());
1 The annotation defines which components to register in the test context.
2 The field allows to get the handler to be able to orchestrate the tests.
If you use JUnit 5 for the first time, keep in mind that the imports changed and that you need to use org.junit.jupiter.api.Test instead of org.junit.Test. Some IDE versions and surefire versions can also require you to install either a plugin or a specific configuration.

As for JUnit 4, you can go further by injecting test class fields marked with @InjectService, but there is no additional extension to specify in this case:

class ComponentExtensionTest {

    @Service (1)
    private LocalConfiguration configuration;

    private Jsonb jsonb;

    void test() {
        // ...
1 All service fields are marked with @Service to let the rule inject them before the test is ran.

Mocking the output

Using the "test"/"collector" component as shown in the previous sample stores all records emitted by the chain (typically your source) in memory. You can then access them using theSimpleComponentRule.getCollectedData(type).

Note that this method filters by type. If you don’t need any specific type, you can use Object.class.

Mocking the input

The input mocking is symmetric to the output. In this case, you provide the data you want to inject:

public class MyComponentTest {

    public final SimpleComponentRule components = new SimpleComponentRule("org.talend.sdk.component.mycomponent");

    public void produce() {
        components.setInputData(asList(createData(), createData(), createData())); (1)

             .component("out", "yourcomponentfamily://myoutput?"+createComponentConfig())

1 using setInputData, you prepare the execution(s) to have a fake input when using the "test"/"emitter" component.

Creating runtime configuration from component configuration

The component configuration is a POJO (using @Option on fields) and the runtime configuration (ExecutionChainBuilder) uses a Map<String, String>. To make the conversion easier, the JUnit integration provides a SimpleFactory.configurationByExample utility to get this map instance from a configuration instance.

final MyComponentConfig componentConfig = new MyComponentConfig();
// .. other inits

final Map<String, String> configuration = configurationByExample(componentConfig);

The same factory provides a fluent DSL to create the configuration by calling configurationByExample without any parameter. The advantage is to be able to convert an object as a Map<String, String> or as a query string in order to use it with the Job DSL:

final String uri = "family://component?" +

It handles the encoding of the URI to ensure it is correctly done.

Testing a Mapper

The SimpleComponentRule also allows to test a mapper unitarily. You can get an instance from a configuration and execute this instance to collect the output.

public class MapperTest {

    public static final SimpleComponentRule COMPONENT_FACTORY = new SimpleComponentRule(

    public void mapper() {
        final Mapper mapper = COMPONENT_FACTORY.createMapper(MyMapper.class, new Source.Config() {{
            values = asList("a", "b");
        assertEquals(asList("a", "b"), COMPONENT_FACTORY.collectAsList(String.class, mapper));

Testing a Processor

As for a mapper, a processor is testable unitary. However, this case can be more complex in case of multiple inputs or outputs.

public class ProcessorTest {

    public static final SimpleComponentRule COMPONENT_FACTORY = new SimpleComponentRule(

    public void processor() {
        final Processor processor = COMPONENT_FACTORY.createProcessor(Transform.class, null);
        final SimpleComponentRule.Outputs outputs = COMPONENT_FACTORY.collect(processor,
                        new JoinInputFactory().withInput("__default__", asList(new Transform.Record("a"), new Transform.Record("bb")))
                                              .withInput("second", asList(new Transform.Record("1"), new Transform.Record("2")))
        assertEquals(2, outputs.size());
        assertEquals(asList(2, 3), outputs.get(Integer.class, "size"));
        assertEquals(asList("a1", "bb2"), outputs.get(String.class, "value"));

The rule allows you to instantiate a Processor from your code, and then to collect the output from the inputs you pass in. There are two convenient implementations of the input factory:

  1. MainInputFactory for processors using only the default input.

  2. JoinInputfactory with the withInput(branch, data) method for processors using multiple inputs. The first argument is the branch name and the second argument is the data used by the branch.

If needed, you can also implement your own input representation using org.talend.sdk.component.junit.ControllableInputFactory.


The following artifact allows you to test against a Spark cluster:


JUnit 4

The testing relies on a JUnit TestRule. It is recommended to use it as a @ClassRule, to make sure that a single instance of a Spark cluster is built. You can also use it as a simple @Rule, to create the Spark cluster instances per method instead of per test class.

The @ClassRule takes the Spark and Scala versions to use as parameters. It then forks a master and N slaves. Finally, the submit* method allows you to send jobs either from the test classpath or from a shade if you run it as an integration test.

For example:

public class SparkClusterRuleTest {

    public static final SparkClusterRule SPARK = new SparkClusterRule("2.10", "1.6.3", 1);

    public void classpathSubmit() throws IOException {
        SPARK.submitClasspath(SubmittableMain.class, getMainArgs());

        // wait for the test to pass
This testing methodology works with @Parameterized. You can submit several jobs with different arguments and even combine it with Beam TestPipeline if you make it transient.

JUnit 5

The integration of that Spark cluster logic with JUnit 5 is done using the @WithSpark marker for the extension. Optionally, it allows you to inject—through @SparkInject—the BaseSpark<?> handler to access the Spark cluster meta information. For example, its host/port.

class SparkExtensionTest {

    private BaseSpark<?> spark;

    void classpathSubmit() throws IOException {
        final File out = new File(jarLocation(SparkClusterRuleTest.class).getParentFile(), "classpathSubmitJunit5.out");
        if (out.exists()) {
        spark.submitClasspath(SparkClusterRuleTest.SubmittableMain.class, spark.getSparkMaster(), out.getAbsolutePath());

        await().atMost(5, MINUTES).until(
                () -> out.exists() ? Files.readAllLines(out.toPath()).stream().collect(joining("\n")).trim() : null,
                equalTo("b -> 1\na -> 1"));

Checking the job execution status

Currently, SparkClusterRule does not allow to know when a job execution is done, even by exposing and polling the web UI URL to check. The best solution at the moment is to make sure that the output of your job exists and contains the right value.

awaitability or any equivalent library can help you to implement such logic:


To wait until a file exists and check that its content (for example) is the expected one, you can use the following logic:

    .atMost(5, MINUTES)
        () -> out.exists() ? Files.readAllLines(out.toPath()).stream().collect(joining("\n")).trim() : null,
        equalTo("the expected content of the file"));


The HTTP JUnit module allows you to mock REST API very simply. The module coordinates are:

This module uses Apache Johnzon and Netty. If you have any conflict (in particular with Netty), you can add the shaded classifier to the dependency. This way, both dependencies are shaded, which avoids conflicts with your component.

It supports both JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. The concept is the exact same one: the extension/rule is able to serve precomputed responses saved in the classpath.

You can plug your own ResponseLocator to map a request to a response, but the default implementation - which should be sufficient in most cases - looks in talend/testing/http/<class name>_<method name>.json. Note that you can also put it in talend/testing/http/<request path>.json.

JUnit 4

JUnit 4 setup is done through two rules:

  • JUnit4HttpApi, which is starts the server.

  • JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator, which configures the server per test and also handles the capture mode.

If you don’t use the JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator, the capture feature is disabled and the per test mocking is not available.
Test example
public class MyRESTApiTest {
    public static final JUnit4HttpApi API = new JUnit4HttpApi();

    public final JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator configurator = new JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator(API);

    public void direct() throws Exception {
        // ... do your requests

For tests using SSL-based services, you need to use activeSsl() on the JUnit4HttpApi rule.

You can access the client SSL socket factory through the API handler:

public static final JUnit4HttpApi API = new JUnit4HttpApi().activeSsl();

public void test() throws Exception {
    final HttpsURLConnection connection = getHttpsConnection();
    // ....
Query Parameters

Sometimes the query parameters are sensitive and you don’t want to store them when capturing. In such cases, you can drop them from the captured data (.json) and the mock implementation will be able to match the request ignoring the query parameters.

JUnit 5

JUnit 5 uses a JUnit 5 extension based on the HttpApi annotation that you can add to your test class. You can inject the test handler - which has some utilities for advanced cases - through @HttpApiInject:

class JUnit5HttpApiTest {
    private HttpApiHandler<?> handler;

    void getProxy() throws Exception {
        // .... do your requests
The injection is optional and the @HttpApi annotation allows you to configure several test behaviors.

For tests using SSL-based services, you need to use @HttpApi(useSsl = true).

You can access the client SSL socket factory through the API handler:

@HttpApi*(useSsl = true)*
class MyHttpsApiTest {
    private HttpApiHandler<?> handler;

    void test() throws Exception {
        final HttpsURLConnection connection = getHttpsConnection();
        // ....

Capturing mode

The strength of this implementation is to run a small proxy server and to auto-configure the JVM: http[s].proxyHost, http[s].proxyPort, HttpsURLConnection#defaultSSLSocketFactory and SSLContext#default are auto-configured to work out-of-the-box with the proxy.

It allows you to keep the native and real URLs in your tests. For example, the following test is valid:

public class GoogleTest {
    public static final JUnit4HttpApi API = new JUnit4HttpApi();

    public final JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator configurator = new JUnit4HttpApiPerMethodConfigurator(API);

    public void google() throws Exception {
        assertEquals(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, get("https://google.fr?q=Talend"));

    private int get(final String uri) throws Exception {
        // do the GET request, skipped for brievity

If you execute this test, it fails with an HTTP 400 error because the proxy does not find the mocked response.
You can create it manually, as described in component-runtime-http-junit, but you can also set the talend.junit.http.capture property to the folder storing the captures. It must be the root folder and not the folder where the JSON files are located (not prefixed by talend/testing/http by default).

In most cases, use src/test/resources. If new File("src/test/resources") resolves the valid folder when executing your test (Maven default), then you can just set the system property to true. Otherwise, you need to adjust accordingly the system property value.

When the tests run with this system property, the testing framework creates the correct mock response files. After that, you can remove the system property. The tests will still pass, using google.com, even if you disconnect your machine from the Internet.

Passthrough mode

If you set the talend.junit.http.passthrough system property to true, the server acts as a proxy and executes each request to the actual server - similarly to the capturing mode.

Beam testing

If you want to make sure that your component works in Beam and don’t want to use Spark, you can try with the Direct Runner.

Check beam.apache.org/contribute/testing/ for more details.

Testing on multiple environments

JUnit (4 or 5) already provides ways to parameterize tests and execute the same "test logic" against several sets of data. However, it is not very convenient for testing multiple environments.

For example, with Beam, you can test your code against multiple runners. But it requires resolving conflicts between runner dependencies, setting the correct classloaders, and so on.

To simplify such cases, the framework provides you a multi-environment support for your tests, through the JUnit module, which works with both JUnit 4 and JUnit 5.

JUnit 4

public class TheTest {
    public void test1() {
        // ...

The MultiEnvironmentsRunner executes the tests for each defined environments. With the example above, it means that it runs test1 for Env1 and Env2.

By default, the JUnit4 runner is used to execute the tests in one environment, but you can use @DelegateRunWith to use another runner.

JUnit 5

The multi-environment configuration with JUnit 5 is similar to JUnit 4:

class TheTest {

    void test1() {
        // ...

The main differences are that no runner is used because they do not exist in JUnit 5, and that you need to replace @Test by @EnvironmentalTest.

With JUnit5, tests are executed one after another for all environments, while tests are ran sequentially in each environments with JUnit 4. For example, this means that @BeforeAll and @AfterAll are executed once for all runners.

Provided environments

The provided environment sets the contextual classloader in order to load the related runner of Apache Beam.

Package: org.talend.sdk.component.junit.environment.builtin.beam

the configuration is read from system properties, environment variables, …​.
Class Name Description



Contextual runner



Direct runner



Flink runner



Spark runner

Configuring environments

If the environment extends BaseEnvironmentProvider and therefore defines an environment name - which is the case of the default ones - you can use EnvironmentConfiguration to customize the system properties used for that environment:

    environment = "Direct",
    systemProperties = @EnvironmentConfiguration.Property(key = "beamTestPipelineOptions", value = "..."))

    environment = "Spark",
    systemProperties = @EnvironmentConfiguration.Property(key = "beamTestPipelineOptions", value = "..."))

    environment = "Flink",
    systemProperties = @EnvironmentConfiguration.Property(key = "beamTestPipelineOptions", value = "..."))
class MyBeamTest {

    void execute() {
        // run some pipeline
If you set the <environment name>.skip system property to true, the environment-related executions are skipped.

Advanced usage

This usage assumes that Beam 2.4.0 is used.

The following dependencies bring the JUnit testing toolkit, the Beam integration and the multi-environment testing toolkit for JUnit into the test scope.


Using the fluent DSL to define jobs, you can write a test as follows:

Your job must be linear and each step must send a single value (no multi-input or multi-output).
class TheComponentTest {
    void testWithStandaloneAndBeamEnvironments() {
        // add asserts on the output if needed

It executes the chain twice:

  1. With a standalone environment to simulate the Studio.

  2. With a Beam (direct runner) environment to ensure the portability of your job.

Secrets/Passwords and Maven

You can reuse Maven settings.xml server files, including the encrypted ones. org.talend.sdk.component.maven.MavenDecrypter allows yo to find a username/password from a server identifier:

final MavenDecrypter decrypter = new MavenDecrypter();
final Server decrypted = decrypter.find("my-test-server");
// decrypted.getUsername();
// decrypted.getPassword();

It is very useful to avoid storing secrets and to perform tests on real systems on a continuous integration platform.

Even if you don’t use Maven on the platform, you can generate the settings.xml and`settings-security.xml` files to use that feature. See maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html for more details.

Generating data

Several data generators exist if you want to populate objects with a semantic that is more evolved than a plain random string like commons-lang3:

Even more advanced, the following generators allow to directly bind generic data on a model. However, data quality is not always optimal:

There are two main kinds of implementation:

  • Implementations using a pattern and random generated data.

  • Implementations using a set of precomputed data extrapolated to create new values.

Check your use case to know which one fits best.

An alternative to data generation can be to import real data and use Talend Studio to sanitize the data, by removing sensitive information and replacing it with generated or anonymized data. Then you just need to inject that file into the system.

If you are using JUnit 5, you can have a look at glytching.github.io/junit-extensions/randomBeans.

Creating a job pipeline

Job Builder

The Job builder lets you create a job pipeline programmatically using Talend components (Producers and Processors). The job pipeline is an acyclic graph, allowing you to build complex pipelines.

Let’s take a simple use case where two data sources (employee and salary) are formatted to CSV and the result is written to a file.

A job is defined based on components (nodes) and links (edges) to connect their branches together.

Every component is defined by a unique id and an URI that identify the component.

The URI follows the form [family]://[component][?version][&configuration], where:

  • family is the name of the component family.

  • component is the name of the component.

  • version is the version of the component. It is represented in a key=value format. The key is __version and the value is a number.

  • configuration is component configuration. It is represented in a key=value format. The key is the path of the configuration and the value is a `string' corresponding to the configuration value.

URI example
configuration parameters must be URI/URL encoded.
Job example
Job.components()   (1)
        .component("salary", "db://input")
        .component("concat", "transform://concat?separator=;")
        .component("csv", "file://out?__version=2")
    .connections()  (2)
        .from("employee").to("concat", "string1")
        .from("salary").to("concat", "string2")
    .build()    (3)
    .run(); (4)
1 Defining all components used in the job pipeline.
2 Defining the connections between the components to construct the job pipeline. The links from/to use the component id and the default input/output branches.
You can also connect a specific branch of a component, if it has multiple or named input/output branches, using the methods from(id, branchName) and to(id, branchName).
In the example above, the concat component has two inputs ("string1" and "string2").
3 Validating the job pipeline by asserting that:
  • It has some starting components (components that don’t have a from connection and that need to be of the producer type).

  • There are no cyclic connections. The job pipeline needs to be an acyclic graph.

  • All components used in the connections are already declared.

  • Each connection is used only once. You cannot connect a component input/output branch twice.

4 Running the job pipeline.
In this version, the execution of the job is linear. Components are not executed in parallel even if some steps may be independents.


Depending on the configuration, you can select the environment which you execute your job in.

To select the environment, the logic is the following one:

  1. If an org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.manager.chain.Job.ExecutorBuilder class is passed through the job properties, then use it. The supported types are a ExecutionBuilder instance, a Class or a String.

  2. if an ExecutionBuilder SPI is present, use it. It is the case if component-runtime-beam is present in your classpath.

  3. else, use a local/standalone execution.

In the case of a Beam execution, you can customize the pipeline options using system properties. They have to be prefixed with talend.beam.job.. For example, to set the appName option, you need to use -Dtalend.beam.job.appName=mytest.

Key Provider

The job builder lets you set a key provider to join your data when a component has multiple inputs. The key provider can be set contextually to a component or globally to the job.

                 (GroupKeyProvider) context -> context.getData().getString("id")) (1)
        .component("salary", "db://input")
        .component("concat", "transform://concat?separator=;")
        .from("employee").to("concat", "string1")
        .from("salary").to("concat", "string2")
    .property(GroupKeyProvider.class.getName(), (2)
                 (GroupKeyProvider) context -> context.getData().getString("employee_id"))
1 Defining a key provider for the data produced by the employee component.
2 Defining a key provider for all data manipulated in the job.

If the incoming data has different IDs, you can provide a complex global key provider that relies on the context given by the component id and the branch name.

GroupKeyProvider keyProvider = context -> {
    if ("employee".equals(context.getComponentId())) {
        return context.getData().getString("id");
    return context.getData().getString("employee_id");

Beam case

For Beam case, you need to rely on Beam pipeline definition and use the component-runtime-beam dependency, which provides Beam bridges.

Inputs and Outputs

org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.beam.TalendIO provides a way to convert a partition mapper or a processor to an input or processor using the read or write methods.

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final ComponentManager manager = ComponentManager.instance()
        Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create();
        //Create beam input from mapper and apply input to pipeline
        pipeline.apply(TalendIO.read(manager.findMapper(manager.findMapper("sample", "reader", 1, new HashMap<String, String>() {{
                    put("fileprefix", "input");
                .apply(new ViewsMappingTransform(emptyMap(), "sample")) // prepare it for the output record format (see next part)
        //Create beam processor from talend processor and apply to pipeline
                .apply(TalendIO.write(manager.findProcessor("test", "writer", 1, new HashMap<String, String>() {{
                    put("fileprefix", "output");
                }}).get(), emptyMap()));

        //... run pipeline


org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.beam.TalendFn provides the way to wrap a processor in a Beam PTransform and to integrate it into the pipeline.

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        //Component manager and pipeline initialization...

        //Create beam PTransform from processor and apply input to pipeline
        pipeline.apply(TalendFn.asFn(manager.findProcessor("sample", "mapper", 1, emptyMap())).get())), emptyMap());

        //... run pipeline

The multiple inputs and outputs are represented by a Map element in Beam case to avoid using multiple inputs and outputs.

You can use ViewsMappingTransform or CoGroupByKeyResultMappingTransform to adapt the input/output format to the record format representing the multiple inputs/output, like Map<String, List<?>>, but materialized as a JsonObject. Input data must be of the JsonObject type in this case.

Converting a Beam.io into a component I/O

For simple inputs and outputs, you can get an automatic and transparent conversion of the Beam.io into an I/O component, if you decorated your PTransform with @PartitionMapper or @Processor.

However, there are limitations:

  • Inputs must implement PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<?>> and must be a BoundedSource.

  • Outputs must implement PTransform<PCollection<?>, PDone> and register a DoFn on the input PCollection.

For more information, see the How to wrap a Beam I/O page.

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