List of available actions

Some common actions need a clear contract so they are defined as API first-class citizen. For example, this is the case for wizards or health checks. Here is the list of the available actions:

Dynamic Values

Mark a method as being useful to fill potential values of a string option for a property denoted by its value. You can link a field as being completable using @Proposable(value). The resolution of the completion action is then done through the component family and value of the action. The callback doesn’t take any parameter.

  • Type: dynamic_values

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.completion.DynamicValues

  • Returned type: org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.completion.Values

  • Sample:



This class marks an action doing a connection test

  • Type: healthcheck

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.healthcheck.HealthCheck

  • Returned type: org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.healthcheck.HealthCheckStatus

  • Sample:

  "comment":"Something went wrong",


Mark an action as returning a discovered schema. Its parameter MUST be a dataset. Dataset is configuration type annotated with @DataSet. If component has multiple datasets, then dataset used as action parameter should have the same identifier as this @DiscoverSchema.

  • Type: schema

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.schema.DiscoverSchema

  • Returned type: org.talend.sdk.component.api.record.Schema

  • Sample:

      "comment":"The column 1",
      "comment":"The int column",


Mark a method as being useful to fill potential values of a string option. You can link a field as being completable using @Suggestable(value). The resolution of the completion action is then done when the user requests it (generally by clicking on a button or entering the field depending the environment).

  • Type: suggestions

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.completion.Suggestions

  • Returned type: org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.completion.SuggestionValues

  • Sample:



This class marks an action returning a new instance replacing part of a form/configuration.

  • Type: update

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.update.Update


Extension point for custom UI integrations and custom actions.

  • Type: user

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.Action


Mark a method as being used to validate a configuration.

this is a server validation so only use it if you can’t use other client side validation to implement it.
  • Type: validation

  • API: @org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.asyncvalidation.AsyncValidation

  • Returned type: org.talend.sdk.component.api.service.asyncvalidation.ValidationResult

  • Sample:

  "comment":"Something went wrong",
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