Server configuration

the configuration is read from system properties, environment variables, …​.

Default value: 1000. Maximum items a cache can store, used for index endpoints.


A comma separated list of gav to locate the components


Default value: ${home}/documentations. A component translation repository. This is where you put your documentation translations. Their name must follow the pattern documentation_${container-id}_language.adoc where ${container-id} is the component jar name (without the extension and version, generally the artifactId).


Default value: true. Should the component extensions add required dependencies.


If you deploy some extension, where they can create their dependencies if needed.


Default value: 180000. Timeout for extension initialization at startup, since it ensures the startup wait extensions are ready and loaded it allows to control the latency it implies.


A property file (or multiple comma separated) where the value is a gav of a component to register(complementary with coordinates). Note that the path can end up with or .properties to take into account all properties in a folder.

Default value: true. Should the /documentation endpoint be activated. Note that when called on localhost the doc is always available.

Default value: true. Should the /api/v1/environment endpoint be activated. It shows some internal versions and git commit which are not always desirable over the wire.

Default value: false. Should the components using a @GridLayout support tab translation. Studio does not suppot that feature yet so this is not enabled by default.


Default value: icons/%s.svg,icons/svg/%s.svg,icons/%s_icon32.png,icons/png/%s_icon32.png. These patterns are used to find the icons in the classpath(s).


Default value: light. Icon default theme (light/dark).


Default value: true. Do we support legacy (not themed) icons. If true, lookup will be done if not themed icon found.

Default value: true. Do we support icons theme.


Default value: false. If set it will replace any message for exceptions. Set to false to use the actual exception message.


Default value: false. Should the lastUpdated timestamp value of /environment endpoint be updated with server start time.


Default value: en*=en fr*=fr zh*=zh_CN ja*=ja de*=de. For caching reasons the goal is to reduce the locales to the minimum required numbers. For instance we avoid fr and fr_FR which would lead to the same entries but x2 in terms of memory. This mapping enables that by whitelisting allowed locales, default being en. If the key ends with it means all string starting with the prefix will match. For instance fr will match fr_FR but also fr_CA.


The local maven repository used to locate components and their dependencies

Default value: false. Should the plugins be un-deployed and re-deployed.


Default value: 600. Interval in seconds between each check if plugins re-loading is enabled.


Specify a file to check its timestamp on the filesystem. This file will take precedence of the default ones provided by the talend.component.server.component.registry property (used for timestamp method).


Default value: timestamp. Re-deploy method on a timestamp or connectors version change. By default, the timestamp is checked on the file pointed by talend.component.server.component.registry or talend.component.server.plugins.reloading.marker variable, otherwise we inspect the content of the CONNECTORS_VERSION file. Accepted values: timestamp, anything else defaults to connectors.


Default value: false. Should the all requests/responses be logged (debug purposes - only work when running with CXF).

Default value: securityNoopHandler. How to validate a command/request. Accepted values: securityNoopHandler.

Default value: securityNoopHandler. How to validate a connection. Accepted values: securityNoopHandler.


A folder available for the server - don’t forget to mount it in docker if you are using the image - which accepts subfolders named as component plugin id (generally the artifactId or jar name without the version, ex: jdbc). Each family folder can contain:

  • a file which will be merged with component configuration system (see services). This properties file enables the function userJar(xxxx) to replace the jar named xxxx by its virtual gav (groupId:artifactId:version),

  • a list of jars which will be merged with component family classpath


Default value: auto. Should the implicit artifacts be provisionned to a m2. If set to auto it tries to detect if there is a m2 to provision - recommended, if set to skip it is ignored, else it uses the value as a m2 path.

Configuration mechanism$

The configuration uses Microprofile Config for most entries. It means it can be passed through system properties and environment variables (by replacing dots with underscores and making the keys uppercase).

To configure a Docker image rather than a standalone instance, Docker Config and secrets integration allows you to read the configuration from files. You can customize the configuration of these integrations through system properties.

Docker integration provides a secure: support to encrypt values and system properties, when required.

It is fully implemented using the Apache Geronimo Microprofile Config extensions.

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