Creating a job pipeline

Job Builder$

The Job builder lets you create a job pipeline programmatically using Talend components (Producers and Processors). The job pipeline is an acyclic graph, allowing you to build complex pipelines.

Let’s take a simple use case where two data sources (employee and salary) are formatted to CSV and the result is written to a file.

A job is defined based on components (nodes) and links (edges) to connect their branches together.

Every component is defined by a unique id and an URI that identify the component.

The URI follows the form [family]://[component][?version][&configuration], where:

  • family is the name of the component family.

  • component is the name of the component.

  • version is the version of the component. It is represented in a key=value format. The key is __version and the value is a number.

  • configuration is component configuration. It is represented in a key=value format. The key is the path of the configuration and the value is a `string' corresponding to the configuration value.

URI example:

configuration parameters must be URI/URL encoded.

Job example:

Job.components()   (1)
        .component("salary", "db://input")
        .component("concat", "transform://concat?separator=;")
        .component("csv", "file://out?__version=2")
    .connections()  (2)
        .from("employee").to("concat", "string1")
        .from("salary").to("concat", "string2")
    .build()    (3)
    .run(); (4)
1 Defining all components used in the job pipeline.
2 Defining the connections between the components to construct the job pipeline. The links from/to use the component id and the default input/output branches.
You can also connect a specific branch of a component, if it has multiple or named input/output branches, using the methods from(id, branchName) and to(id, branchName).
In the example above, the concat component has two inputs ("string1" and "string2").
3 Validating the job pipeline by asserting that:
  • It has some starting components (components that don’t have a from connection and that need to be of the producer type).

  • There are no cyclic connections. The job pipeline needs to be an acyclic graph.

  • All components used in the connections are already declared.

  • Each connection is used only once. You cannot connect a component input/output branch twice.

4 Running the job pipeline.
In this version, the execution of the job is linear. Components are not executed in parallel even if some steps may be independents.


Depending on the configuration, you can select the environment which you execute your job in.

To select the environment, the logic is the following one:

  1. If an org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.manager.chain.Job.ExecutorBuilder class is passed through the job properties, then use it. The supported types are an ExecutionBuilder instance, a Class or a String.

  2. If an ExecutionBuilder SPI is present, use it. It is the case if component-runtime-beam is present in your classpath.

  3. Else, use a local/standalone execution.

In the case of a Beam execution, you can customize the pipeline options using system properties. They have to be prefixed with talend.beam.job.. For example, to set the appName option, you need to use -Dtalend.beam.job.appName=mytest.

Key Provider$

The job builder lets you set a key provider to join your data when a component has multiple inputs. The key provider can be set contextually to a component or globally to the job.

                 (GroupKeyProvider) context -> context.getData().getString("id")) (1)
        .component("salary", "db://input")
        .component("concat", "transform://concat?separator=;")
        .from("employee").to("concat", "string1")
        .from("salary").to("concat", "string2")
    .property(GroupKeyProvider.class.getName(), (2)
                 (GroupKeyProvider) context -> context.getData().getString("employee_id"))
1 Defining a key provider for the data produced by the employee component.
2 Defining a key provider for all data manipulated in the job.

If the incoming data has different IDs, you can provide a complex global key provider that relies on the context given by the component id and the branch name.

GroupKeyProvider keyProvider = context -> {
    if ("employee".equals(context.getComponentId())) {
        return context.getData().getString("id");
    return context.getData().getString("employee_id");

Beam case$

For Beam case, you need to rely on Beam pipeline definition and use the component-runtime-beam dependency, which provides Beam bridges.

Inputs and Outputs$

org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.beam.TalendIO provides a way to convert a partition mapper or a processor to an input or processor using the read or write methods.

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final ComponentManager manager = ComponentManager.instance()
        Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create();
        //Create beam input from mapper and apply input to pipeline
        pipeline.apply("sample", "reader", 1, new HashMap<String, String>() {{
                    put("fileprefix", "input");
                .apply(new ViewsMappingTransform(emptyMap(), "sample")) // prepare it for the output record format (see next part)
        //Create beam processor from talend processor and apply to pipeline
                .apply(TalendIO.write(manager.findProcessor("test", "writer", 1, new HashMap<String, String>() {{
                    put("fileprefix", "output");
                }}).get(), emptyMap()));

        //... run pipeline


org.talend.sdk.component.runtime.beam.TalendFn provides the way to wrap a processor in a Beam PTransform and to integrate it into the pipeline.

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        //Component manager and pipeline initialization...

        //Create beam PTransform from processor and apply input to pipeline
        pipeline.apply(TalendFn.asFn(manager.findProcessor("sample", "mapper", 1, emptyMap())).get())), emptyMap());

        //... run pipeline

The multiple inputs and outputs are represented by a Map element in Beam case to avoid using multiple inputs and outputs.

You can use ViewsMappingTransform or CoGroupByKeyResultMappingTransform to adapt the input/output format to the record format representing the multiple inputs/output, like Map<String, List<?>>, but materialized as a Record. Input data must be of the Record type in this case.

Converting a into a component I/O$

For simple inputs and outputs, you can get an automatic and transparent conversion of the into an I/O component, if you decorated your PTransform with @PartitionMapper or @Processor.

However, there are limitations:

  • Inputs must implement PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<?>> and must be a BoundedSource.

  • Outputs must implement PTransform<PCollection<?>, PDone> and register a DoFn on the input PCollection.

For more information, see the How to wrap a Beam I/O page.

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