Maven Plugin

talend-component-maven-plugin intends to help you to write components validating components match best practices and also generating transparently metadata used by Talend Studio.

Here is how to use it:


Note that this plugin is also an extension so you can declare it in your build/extensions block as:


Used as an extension, dependencies, validate and documentation goals will be set up.


The first goal is a shortcut for the maven-dependency-plugin, it will create the TALEND-INF/dependencies.txt file with the compile and runtime dependencies to let the component use it at runtime:



The most important goal is here to help you to validate the common programming model of the component. Here is the execution definition to activate it:


By default it will be bound to process-classes phase. When executing it will do several validations which can be switched off adding the corresponding flags to false in the <configuration> block of the execution:

Name Description Default


Validates resource bundle are presents and contain commonly used keys (like _displayName)



Ensure components pass validations of the ComponentManager and Talend Component runtime



Ensure components are Serializable - note this is a sanity check, the component is not actually serialized here, if you have a doubt ensure to test it. It also checks any @Internationalized class is valid and has its keys.



Ensure components define an @Icon and @Version.



Ensure any @DataStore defines a @HealthCheck.



Ensure native programming model is respected, you can disable it when using another programming model like in beam case.



Validate actions signatures for the ones not tolerating dynamic binding (@HealthCheck, @DynamicValues, …​). It is recommended to keep it true.



Validate the family, i.e. the package containing the @Components has also a @Icon.



Ensure all 1. components and 2. @Option properties have a documentation using @Documentation



This goal generates an Asciidoc file documenting your component from the configuration model (@Option) and @Documentation you can put on options and the component itself.

Name Description Default


Which level are the root title

2 which means ==


Where to store the output, it is NOT recommended to change it



A map of the renderings to do, keys are the format (pdf or html) and values the output paths



A map of asciidoctor attributes when formats is set


templateDir / templateEngine

Template configuration for the rendering



Document title



Should the documentations (.adoc, and formats keys) should be attached to the project (and deployed)


if you use the extension you can add the property talend.documentation.htmlAndPdf and set it to true in your project to automatically get a html and PDF rendering of the documentation.

Render your documentation$


To render the generated documentation you can use the Asciidoctor Maven plugin (or Gradle equivalent):

<plugin> (1)
<plugin> (2)
  1. Will generate in target/classes/TALEND-INF/documentation.adoc the components documentation.

  2. Will render the documenation as an html file in target/documentation/documentation.html.

ensure to execute it after the documentation generation.


If you prefer a PDF rendering you can configure the following execution in the asciidoctor plugin (note that you can configure both executions if you want both HTML and PDF rendering):


Include the documentation into a document

If you want to add some more content or add a title, you can include the generated document into another document using Asciidoc include directive.

A common example is:

= Super Components
Super Writer
:toclevels: 3
:source-highlighter: prettify
:icons: font
:imagesdir: images


This assumes you pass to the plugin the attribute generated_doc, this can be done this way:


This is optional but allows to reuse maven placeholders to pass paths which is quite convenient in an automated build.


You can find more customizations on Asciidoctor website.


Testing the rendering of your component(s) configuration into the Studio is just a matter of deploying a component in Talend Studio (you can have a look to link::studio.html[Studio Documentation] page. But don’t forget the component can also be deployed into a Cloud (web) environment. To ease the testing of the related rendering, you can use the goal web of the plugin:

mvn talend-component:web

Then you can test your component going on localhost:8080. You need to select which component form you want to see using the treeview on the left, then on the right the form will be displayed.

The two available configurations of the plugin are serverPort which is a shortcut to change the default, 8080, port of the embedded server and serverArguments to pass Meecrowave options to the server. More on that configuration is available at

this command reads the component jar from the local maven repository so ensure to install the artifact before using it.

Generate inputs or outputs$

The Mojo generate (maven plugin goal) of the same plugin also embeds a generator you can use to bootstrap any input or output component:

    <execution> (1)
    <execution> (2)
1 Generates an input (partition mapper + emitter)
2 Generates an output

It is intended to be used from the command line (or IDE Maven integration):

$ mvn talend-component:generate \
    -Dtalend.generator.type=[input|output] \ (1)
    [-Dtalend.generator.classbase=com.test.MyComponent] \ (2)
    [] \ (3)
    [] (4)
1 select the type of component you want, input to generate a mapper and emitter and output to generate an output processor
2 set the class name base (will be suffixed by the component type), if not set the package will be guessed and classname based on the basedir name
3 set the component family to use, default to the base dir name removing (component[s] from the name, ex: my-component will lead to my as family if not explicitly set)
4 should the generator try to add component-api in the pom if not already here, if you added it you can set it to false directly in the pom

For this command to work you will need to just register the plugin:


Talend Component Archive$

Component ARchive (.car) is the way to bundle a component to share it in Talend ecosystem. It is a plain Java ARchive (.jar) containing a metadata file and a nested maven repository containing the component and its depenencies.

mvn talend-component:car

It will create a .car in your build directory which is shareable on Talend platforms.

Note that this CAR is executable and exposes the command studio-deploy which takes as parameter a Talend Studio home location. Executed it will install the dependencies into the studio and register the component in your instance. Here is a sample launch command:

# for a studio
java -jar studio-deploy /path/to/my/studio

# for a m2 provisioning
java -jar maven-deploy /path/to/.m2/repository