
Recommanded practise for internationalization are:

  • store messages using ResourceBundle properties file in your component module

  • the location of the properties are in the same package than the related component(s) and is named Messages (ex: org.talend.demo.MyComponent will use org.talend.demo.Messages[locale].properties)

  • for your own messages use the internationalization API

Internationalization API$

Overal idea is to design its messages as methods returning String values and back the template by a ResourceBundle located in the same package than the interface defining these methods and named Messages.

this is the mecanism to use to internationalize your own messages in your own components.

To ensure you internationalization API is identified you need to mark it with @Internationalized:

@Internationalized (1)
public interface Translator {

    String message();

    String templatizedMessage(String arg0, int arg1); (2)

    String localized(String arg0, @Language Locale locale); (3)
1 @Internationalized allows to mark a class as a i18n service
2 you can pass parameters and the message will use MessageFormat syntax to be resolved based on the ResourceBundle template
3 you can use @Language on a Locale parameter to specify manually the locale to use, note that a single value will be used (the first parameter tagged as such).
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