Version 0.0.7$
Version 0.0.5$
Work Item$
TCOMP-738: Component Server should respect ~/.m2/settings.xml local repository if it exists
TCOMP-739: SerializationTransformer shouldn’t use ComponentManager to avoid ClassNotFoundException
TCOMP-740: UISpecService should be reactive and use a CompletionStage based API
TCOMP-741: UISpecService configuration support
TCOMP-742: Configuration Type properties should be rooted
TCOMP-744: Ensure wrapped BeamIO uses the right TCCL
TCOMP-745: [Dependency Upgrade] CXF 3.2.4
TCOMP-746: [Dependency Upgrade] Tomcat 9.0.6
TCOMP-747: [Dependency Upgrade] Log4j2 2.11.0
TCOMP-748: Make configurationtype index endpoint lighter OOTB
TCOMP-749: Intellij Idea plugin
TCOMP-750: Unify @Pattern using javascript regex instead of a mixed mode
Version 0.0.4$
Version 0.0.1$
Work Item$
TCOMP-446: Support Embedded Documentation
TCOMP-650: Ensure component can be executed in beam pipelines
TCOMP-651: Ensure beam components can be wrapped and used through the Talend Component Kit Framework
TCOMP-653: Web Form metamodel service
TCOMP-655: Catalog service
TCOMP-656: UISpec compatibility
TCOMP-658: Add test Source/Sink collectors in JUnit integration
TCOMP-659: Basic job builder API to simplify JUnit tests
TCOMP-662: Validation Mojo
TCOMP-664: Local testing server for dev
TCOMP-675: Select a communication solution for Talend Component Kit server
TCOMP-680: Register components into the Studio Palette
TCOMP-681: Studio parameters form integration
TCOMP-682: Studio Metadata integration
TCOMP-683: Studio Runtime integration
TCOMP-691: Create context menu for Tacokit node in repository panel
TCOMP-719: Support Input Definition
TCOMP-720: Support Output Definition
TCOMP-721: Initial Widget Definitions