Server configuration

the configuration is read from system properties, environment variables, …​.

A comma separated list of gav to locate the components


Default value: ${home}/documentations. A component translation repository. This is where you put your documentation translations. Their name must follow the pattern documentation_${container-id}_language.adoc where ${container-id} is the component jar name (without the extension and version, generally the artifactId).


Default value: true. Should the component extensions add required dependencies.


A property file where the value is a gav of a component to register (complementary with coordinates)

Default value: true. Should the /documentation endpoint be activated. Note that when called on localhost the doc is always available.

Default value: true. Should the /api/v1/environment endpoint be activated. It shows some internal versions and git commit which are not always desirable over the wire.


Default value: -. Accepted tokens in Authorization header for remote calls to secured endpoints (/api/v1/environment or /documentation).


Default value: false. If set it will replace any message for exceptions. Set to false to use the actual exception message.


The local maven repository used to locate components and their dependencies

Default value: securityNoopHandler. How to validate a command/request. Accepted values: securityNoopHandler.

Default value: securityNoopHandler. How to validate a connection. Accepted values: securityNoopHandler.


A folder available for the server - don’t forget to mount it in docker if you are using the image - which accepts subfolders named as component plugin id (generally the artifactId or jar name without the version, ex: jdbc). Each family folder can contain:

  • a file which will be merged with component configuration system (see services). This properties file enables the function userJar(xxxx) to replace the jar named xxxx by its virtual gav (groupId:artifactId:version),

  • a list of jars which will be merged with component family classpath


Default value: auto. Should the implicit artifacts be provisionned to a m2. If set to auto it tries to detect if there is a m2 to provision - recommended, if set to skip it is ignored, else it uses the value as a m2 path.

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